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What Do You Mean by Trust? Establishing Shared Meaning in Interdisciplinary Design for Assistive Technology
International Journal of Social Robotics ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s12369-020-00742-w
Isabel Schwaninger , Florian Güldenpfennig , Astrid Weiss , Geraldine Fitzpatrick

The topic of trust has attracted increasing interest within HRI research, and is particularly relevant in the context of social robots and their assistance of older people at home. To make this abstract concept of trust more tangible for developers of robotic technologies and to connect it with older people’s living spaces and their daily practices, we propose a light-weight method drawing on elicitation cards to be used at early stages of participatory design. The cards were designed to serve as a guide for qualitative interviews at ideation phases. This was accomplished by using the cards connected to the living spaces of the participants, their daily practices, and ‘provocative’ questions to structure conversations. We developed the method with 10 inexperienced interviewers who conducted 10 qualitative interviews on the topic of trust without cards, and who tested the cards with 10 older adults. Our findings indicate that the method served as a powerful facilitator of conversations around the topic of trust and enabled interviewers to engage with everyday practices of older adults; it also facilitated a more active role for older adults during the conversations. As indicators of findings that can come from the cards, salient trust-related themes that emerged from the analysis of card usage were the desire for control, companionship, privacy, understandability, and location-specific requirements with regards to trust.



信任的话题在 HRI 研究中引起了越来越多的兴趣,尤其是在社交机器人及其在家中帮助老年人的背景下。为了使这种抽象的信任概念对于机器人技术的开发人员来说更加切实可行,并将其与老年人的生活空间和他们的日常实践联系起来,我们提出了一种轻量级的方法,该方法借鉴了在参与式设计的早期阶段使用的启发卡。这些卡片旨在作为构思阶段定性访谈的指南。这是通过使用与参与者的生活空间、他们的日常实践和“挑衅性”问题相关联的卡片来构建对话来实现的。我们与 10 位没有经验的采访者一起开发了该方法,他们对无卡信任主题进行了 10 次定性采访,并与 10 位老年人一起测试了卡片。我们的研究结果表明,该方法是围绕信任主题进行对话的有力促进者,并使访谈员能够参与老年人的日常实践;它还有助于老年人在对话中发挥更积极的作用。作为可能来自卡片的发现指标,从卡片使用分析中出现的与信任相关的突出主题是对信任的控制、陪伴、隐私、可理解性和特定于位置的要求。我们的研究结果表明,该方法是围绕信任主题进行对话的有力促进者,并使访谈员能够参与老年人的日常实践;它还有助于老年人在对话中发挥更积极的作用。作为可能来自卡片的发现指标,从卡片使用分析中出现的与信任相关的突出主题是对信任的控制、陪伴、隐私、可理解性和特定于位置的要求。我们的研究结果表明,该方法是围绕信任主题进行对话的有力促进者,并使访谈员能够参与老年人的日常实践;它还有助于老年人在对话中发挥更积极的作用。作为可能来自卡片的发现指标,从卡片使用分析中出现的与信任相关的突出主题是对信任的控制、陪伴、隐私、可理解性和特定于位置的要求。
