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Measuring accessibility to grocery stores using radiation model and survival analysis
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.899 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103107
Junfeng Jiao , Amin Azimian

Measuring spatial accessibility to grocery stores and identifying food deserts have been of interest to planners and policy makers. However, measuring and quantifying accessibility in a way that relates to actual travel behaviors and preferences are challenging. This study aims to promote an existing radiation model by incorporating different transportation modes and time use diaries to provide a more realistic estimation of accessibility. We proposed a survival analysis method, such as the Cox proportional hazard model, as a novel approach to develop a cost decay function based on time use diaries. A multinomial logit model was applied to estimate the portion of people walking, traveling by car, and traveling by bus. A case study of grocery stores in Travis County, Texas, is used to illustrate the approach. The results indicate that for walking accessibility to grocery stores, the majority of zip codes fall into the very low, low, and moderate accessibility classes. Moreover, in most western zip codes transit accessibility to grocery stores is found to be very low. However, the spatial accessibility for some of such zip codes has been enhanced because of the presence of cars.



测量杂货店的空间可达性和识别食物沙漠一直是规划者和政策制定者的兴趣所在。然而,以与实际旅行行为和偏好相关的方式衡量和量化可访问性是具有挑战性的。本研究旨在通过结合不同的交通方式和时间使用日记来推广现有的辐射模型,以提供更现实的可达性估计。我们提出了一种生存分析方法,例如 Cox 比例风险模型,作为一种基于时间使用日记开发成本衰减函数的新方法。应用多项 logit 模型来估计人们步行、驾车和乘坐公共汽车的比例。德克萨斯州特拉维斯县杂货店的案例研究用于说明该方法。结果表明,对于杂货店的步行可达性,大多数邮政编码分为极低、低和中等可达性等级。此外,在大多数西方邮政编码中,人们发现杂货店的交通可达性非常低。然而,由于汽车的存在,某些此类邮政编码的空间可达性得到了增强。
