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Post-Phenomenology, Transduction, and Speculative Fabulations
Foundations of Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10699-020-09765-y
Róisín Lally

This response briefly argues that post-phenomenology has always cut across the transcendental-empirical divide and is able to cultivate a deep respect for technologies in their otherness, without denying their relation to humanity. It does this by revisiting Don Ihde’s genetic phenomenological variations and tracing its relation to Gilbert Simondon’s ontogenesis. Having set up the historical nature of objects, the second part of this paper will take up Yoni Van Den Eede’s call for a more speculative approach.



这个回应简要地认为,后现象学总是跨越先验-经验的鸿沟,并且能够在不否认技术与人类的关系的情况下培养对技术的深刻尊重。它通过重新审视唐伊德的遗传现象学变异并追踪其与吉尔伯特西蒙东的个体发生的关系来做到这一点。在确定了对象的历史性质之后,本文的第二部分将讨论 Yoni Van Den Eede 对更具推测性的方法的呼吁。
