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Effect of multiple traffic information sources on route choice: A driving simulator study
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2021.05.008
P. Imants , J. Theeuwes , A.W. Bronkhorst , M.H. Martens

With the arrival of new technologies more en-route traffic information sources have become available, especially in-car information sources. The aim of this study is to gain more insight into the effect of multiple, and possibly conflicting, sources of information on route choice and driver behaviour. In a driving simulator experiment, participants were required to make multiple drives, each of which ended with a choice between the normal and an alternative route. On each trial participants received traffic information from a Variable Message Sign (VMS), i.e. a dynamic sign above the road providing descriptive traffic information in the form of expected travel times (ETTs), a navigation device providing in-car prescriptive route advice, or information from both sources. In the latter type of trial the information could be congruent or conflicting with regards to ETTs on the VMS and advise from the navigation. After each trial, participants indicated how much trust they had in the traffic information and their primary information source. A Bayesian model was used to quantify the propensity to switch to the alternative route. Results indicate that overall compliance was very high for the primary source even when the other source did not corroborate this information and that most participants preferred to use the information from a VMS. However, when both the VMS and the navigation device provided information and the VMS indicated the same ETTs for the normal and alternative route, route choice was influenced by the advice provided by the navigation device. Also, in this type of trial mean speed was significantly lower compared to trials in which the two sources were in conflict, indicating increased mental workload, most likely due to attentional dissonance: a situation in which stimuli compete for attention resulting in cognitive conflict and the need to inhibit non-relevant information. A deeper understanding of how drivers use multiple traffic information sources and cope with irrelevant information could support driver safety and comfort, increase the usability of information sources, and help reduce stress, anxiety, and information overload while driving.



随着新技术的出现,更多的途中交通信息源变得可用,尤其是车内信息源。本研究的目的是更深入地了解多种可能相互冲突的信息来源对路线选择和驾驶员行为的影响。在驾驶模拟器实验中,参与者被要求进行多次驾驶,每次驾驶都以在正常路线和替代路线之间进行选择结束。在每个试验中,参与者从可变信息标志 (VMS) 接收交通信息,即道路上方的动态标志以预期旅行时间 (ETT) 的形式提供描述性交通信息,导航设备提供车内规定的路线建议,或两个来源的信息。在后一种类型的试验中,关于 VMS 上的 ETT 和来自导航的建议,信息可能是一致的或冲突的。每次试验后,参与者都会表明他们对交通信息及其主要信息来源的信任程度。贝叶斯模型用于量化转换到替代路线的倾向。结果表明,即使其他来源没有证实该信息,主要来源的总体合规性也非常高,并且大多数参与者更喜欢使用来自 VMS 的信息。然而,当 VMS 和导航设备都提供信息并且 VMS 指示正常和替代路线的相同 ETT 时,路线选择会受到导航设备提供的建议的影响。还,在这种类型的试验中,与两个来源发生冲突的试验相比,平均速度显着降低,表明脑力劳动量增加,很可能是由于注意力不协调:刺激竞争注意力导致认知冲突的情况,需要禁止不相关的信息。更深入地了解驾驶员如何使用多个交通信息源并处理无关信息可以支持驾驶员安全和舒适,提高信息源的可用性,并有助于减轻驾驶时的压力、焦虑和信息过载。刺激竞争注意力导致认知冲突和需要抑制不相关信息的情况。更深入地了解驾驶员如何使用多个交通信息源并处理无关信息可以支持驾驶员安全和舒适,提高信息源的可用性,并有助于减轻驾驶时的压力、焦虑和信息过载。刺激竞争注意力导致认知冲突和需要抑制不相关信息的情况。更深入地了解驾驶员如何使用多个交通信息源并处理无关信息可以支持驾驶员安全和舒适,提高信息源的可用性,并有助于减轻驾驶时的压力、焦虑和信息过载。
