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Population dynamics of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in Guadeloupe, French Caribbean: A mark-recapture study from 2001 to 2013
Marine Mammal Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1111/mms.12837
Caroline Rinaldi 1 , Renato Rinaldi 1 , Juliette Laine 1 , Christophe Barbraud 2

Sperm whales are present along the Caribbean islands in family groups of mature females, juveniles, and newborns. Their abundance and demographic rates remain poorly known. Using photo-identification data, we estimated the abundance and annual survival of sperm whales in Guadeloupe from January to April 2001–2013. A total of 1,492 photographs of tail flukes were scored (ranging from 1 to 5) in terms of quality (Q) and marking (M) level. A total of 789 photographs were selected with Q ≥ 3 and M ≥ 3, corresponding to 109 individually identified adult females or immatures of both sexes. Capture histories were built and analyzed using the Pollock's robust design capture-mark-recapture model. The study consisted of 13 primary periods sequenced in 5–8 secondary periods. Mean annual survival rate of residents was 0.945, 95% CI [0.864, 0.979]. Abundance varied between years from 75 to 35 individuals. The geometric growth rate over the period 2001–2013 was 0.938, 95% CI [0.878, 0.997], suggesting a population decline of −6.2%/year. Sperm whales are moving between Guadeloupe and Dominica, with a high temporary emigration rate (0.163) and 50% of the individuals of Guadeloupe resighted in Dominica. These results highlight the fragility of the population and the necessity to consider it as one unit.


法属加勒比海瓜德罗普岛抹香鲸 (Physeter macrocephalus) 的种群动态:2001 年至 2013 年的标记重新捕获研究

抹香鲸存在于加勒比岛屿沿岸的成熟雌性、幼鱼和新生儿家庭群中。它们的数量和人口比例仍然鲜为人知。使用照片识别数据,我们估计了 2001-2013 年 1 月至 2013 年 4 月瓜德罗普岛抹香鲸的数量和年存活率。根据质量(Q)和标记(M)水平,总共对 1,492 张尾吸虫照片进行评分(范围从 1 到 5)。共有789张照片与选择Q  ≥3和中号 ≥ 3,对应于 109 个单独识别的成年雌性或不成熟的两性。使用 Pollock 强大的设计捕获-标记-重新捕获模型来构建和分析捕获历史记录。该研究包括 13 个初级阶段,按 5-8 个次级阶段排序。居民的平均年生存率为 0.945, 95% CI [0.864, 0.979]。丰度在 75 到 35 个人之间变化。2001-2013 年期间的几何增长率为 0.938,95% CI [0.878, 0.997],表明人口下降 -6.2%/年。抹香鲸在瓜德罗普岛和多米尼加之间移动,临时迁出率很高 (0.163),并且有 50% 的瓜德罗普岛个体在多米尼加被发现。这些结果凸显了人口的脆弱性以及将其视为一个单位的必要性。