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Bridging fragmented knowledge between forecasting and fishing communities: Co-managed decisions on weather delays in Nova Scotia's lobster season openings
Applied Geography ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2021.102478
Emily Reid-Musson , Joel Finnis , Barb Neis

Commercial fish harvesters are one of the primary users of marine forecasts, and rely heavily on these reports to manage weather hazards in their work at sea. Despite the intrinsic user-producer connection between forecasters and fish harvesters, there are minimal opportunities for these groups to interact directly. The article draws from findings from a qualitative, partnership-based study conducted in Atlantic Canada on the role of marine forecasts in fishing safety.

Lobster fishing is an economically lucrative sector in Atlantic Canada, in which the opening day of the commercial season is particularly hazardous. ‘Weather briefings’ are a co-managed decision-making process held immediately prior to planned lobster opening dates, in which harvesters collectively decide if anticipated weather conditions warrant a delay in the season opening. Weather briefings are notable as the sole existing channel where meteorologists and fish harvesters come into direct contact with one another. Meteorologists play a key role in the briefings insofar as they directly inform harvesters' decisions whether to delay the season. The findings highlight how these interactions represent a form of co-produced weather knowledge between lobster harvesters, forecasters, and managers, which can support fishing safety via broader fishing co-management processes.




