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Vertical profile of atmospheric single scattering properties and assessment of the effects of temporal variability of cloud water content over Yaounde
Atmospheric Environment ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118525
Leonard Akana Nguimdo

This study discusses a method for deriving the vertical profiles of absorption and scattering coefficients in integrated atmospheric column for radiative models. It then presents these profiles in the case of cloudy layers using details of the distributions of cloud water content and the vertical description of other radiatively active atmospheric species in the shortwave spectrum for Yaounde (11°51′ E, 3°86′ N). It was shown that both quantities globally exhibit spatial and temporal variabilities and therefore should be used with caution in radiative transfer calculations. The proposed method duly incorporates these variabilities using existing knowledge on atmospheric optics and radiative constituents (gas, clouds and aerosols) for appropriate representation of the actual state of the atmosphere. The case study combines data of cloud water content and effective radius as described by Akana and Njomo (2010b) as well as HITRAM vertical profile for gas (Rothman et al., 2010) and aerosols vertical properties as proposed by Kneizys et al. (1996). From the present analysis, it was observed that the highest values obtained near the surface were followed by a decrease in altitude. The minima are obtained slightly above the mixed-phase cloud layer. The scattering coefficient close to the surface is globally smaller than the absorption coefficient but this tendency is reversed at mid-altitude in the mixed-phase cloud layer generally between 500 and 600 mbar. The single scattering albedo (SSA) deduced from these column-integrated profiles show very small values near the surface and gradual increase towards high altitudes with the smallest value (less than 0.15) found during rainy season. This increase is rapid in mixed-phase cloud where it reaches 0.79 at the upper limits. Assessing the impact of gases and aerosol on these profiles, it was observed that SSA increase by 153% in gas-free atmosphere while a drop of 3% was noticed in aerosol-free atmosphere close to the surface.



本研究讨论了一种推导辐射模型的综合大气柱中吸收和散射系数的垂直剖面的方法。然后,它使用云水含量分布的详细信息和雅温得(东经 11 度 51 分,北纬 3 度 86 分)短波频谱中其他辐射活跃大气物种的垂直描述,在多云层的情况下呈现这些剖面。结果表明,这两个量在全球范围内都表现出空间和时间可变性,因此在辐射传输计算中应谨慎使用。所提出的方法利用关于大气光学和辐射成分(气体、云和气溶胶)的现有知识适当地结合了这些变量,以适当地表示大气的实际状态。该案例研究结合了 Akana 和 Njomo (2010b) 描述的云水含量和有效半径数据,以及 Kneizys 等人提出的 HITRAM 气体垂直剖面(Rothman 等,2010)和气溶胶垂直特性。(1996)。从目前的分析中可以看出,在地表附近获得的最高值之​​后是高度的下降。最小值是在略高于混合相云层的地方获得的。靠近地表的散射系数总体上小于吸收系数,但这种趋势在混合相云层的中高处发生逆转,通常在 500 到 600 毫巴之间。从这些柱状积分剖面推导出的单次散射反照率 (SSA) 在地表附近显示出非常小的值,并向高海拔逐渐增加,在雨季发现的最小值(小于 0.15)。这种增加在混合相云中很快,在上限达到 0.79。评估气体和气溶胶对这些剖面的影响,观察到无气体大气中的 SSA 增加了 153%,而在靠近地表的无气溶胶大气中,SSA 下降了 3%。
