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AI Ethics for Sustainable Development Goals
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1109/mts.2021.3056294
Anibal Monasterio Astobiza 1 , Mario Toboso 2 , Manuel Aparicio 3 , Daniel Lopez 2

We live in an era where problems are global in scale (e.g., climate change) and solutions must also be coordinated on a global scale in the international context. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals (SDGs) was ratified in 2015 as a continuation of the millennium development goals (MDGs). In this sense, the SDGs, as MDGs were in their day, are a global mechanism that urges governments to coordinate to address global problems. At the core of the SDGs is “to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.” The SDGs consist in a series of 17 goals with 169 targets which, for the first time, identify the fight against poverty as a necessity for sustainable development. The SDGs consider the ecological, social, and economic dimensions as interdependent for sustainable development. With the progress and advances of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, many researchers are exploring the possibility of their use to tackle societal problems. This is what many people nowadays call “AI for social good” (AI4SG). The concept behind AI4SG is very simple: AI-powered systems and capabilities applied to improve public welfare [1]. Although there are different forms of classification of AI4SG initiatives (in terms of data, modeling, or decision-making) “projects addressing AI4SG vary significantly” [2] and the AI behind these projects may have been designed for the “good” but, in practice, it could end up going “bad.” More importantly, not everyone would agree on what is a good result. The main motivation for any application of the AI4SG is to solve social problems.



我们生活在一个问题具有全球性(例如气候变化)的时代,解决方案也必须在国际背景下在全球范围内协调。 2030 年可持续发展目标议程 (SDG) 于 2015 年获得批准,作为千年发展目标 (MDG) 的延续。从这个意义上说,可持续发展目标与当时的千年发展目标一样,是一个敦促各国政府协调解决全球问题的全球机制。可持续发展目标的核心是“为所有人实现更美好、更可持续的未来”。可持续发展目标由 17 个目标和 169 个具体目标组成,首次将消除贫困视为可持续发展的必要条件。可持续发展目标认为生态、社会和经济层面对于可持续发展是相互依存的。随着人工智能(AI)技术的进步和进步,许多研究人员正在探索利用人工智能解决社会问题的可能性。这就是现在许多人所说的“人工智能造福社会”(AI4SG)。 AI4SG 背后的概念非常简单:人工智能驱动的系统和能力应用于改善公共福利[1]。尽管 AI4SG 举措有不同形式的分类(在数据、建模或决策方面),“解决 AI4SG 的项目差异很大”[2],并且这些项目背后的人工智能可能是为了“好的”而设计的,但是,实际上,它最终可能会变得“糟糕”。更重要的是,并不是每个人都同意什么是好的结果。 AI4SG 任何应用的主要动机都是为了解决社会问题。