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Avoiding potential pitfalls in visual search and eye-movement experiments: A tutorial review
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.3758/s13414-021-02326-w
Hayward J. Godwin , Michael C. Hout , Katrín J. Alexdóttir , Stephen C. Walenchok , Anthony S. Barnhart

Examining eye-movement behavior during visual search is an increasingly popular approach for gaining insights into the moment-to-moment processing that takes place when we look for targets in our environment. In this tutorial review, we describe a set of pitfalls and considerations that are important for researchers – both experienced and new to the field – when engaging in eye-movement and visual search experiments. We walk the reader through the research cycle of a visual search and eye-movement experiment, from choosing the right predictions, through to data collection, reporting of methodology, analytic approaches, the different dependent variables to analyze, and drawing conclusions from patterns of results. Overall, our hope is that this review can serve as a guide, a talking point, a reflection on the practices and potential problems with the current literature on this topic, and ultimately a first step towards standardizing research practices in the field.



在视觉搜索期间检查眼动行为是一种越来越流行的方法,可以深入了解我们在环境中寻找目标时发生的即时处理。在本教程回顾中,我们描述了在从事眼动和视觉搜索实验时对研究人员(包括该领域的经验丰富的和新手)很重要的一系列陷阱和注意事项。我们引导读者完成视觉搜索和眼动实验的研究周期,从选择正确的预测,到数据收集、方法论报告、分析方法、要分析的不同因变量,以及从结果模式中得出结论. 总的来说,我们希望这篇评论可以作为一个指南,一个谈话要点,
