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Silicified otoliths from the Maastrichtian type area (Netherlands, Belgium) document early gadiform and perciform fishes during the Late Cretaceous, prior to the K/Pg boundary extinction event
Cretaceous Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104921
Werner W. Schwarzhans , John W.M. Jagt

The Maastrichtian is an important time interval in the evolution of modern bony fishes. Certain teleost groups that disappeared later during the catastrophic K/Pg boundary extinction event, flourished during this period, while the root stock of other groups that subsequently filled the void and evolved, were already represented. Otoliths constitute an important data set for the reconstruction of extinct teleost faunas and are often found to complement information gained from skeletal remains. Here we describe otoliths obtained from the type area of the Maastrichtian Stage, from various levels within the Maastricht Formation. This assemblage is unique in being preserved as silicified neomorphs and reflects a shallow-marine carbonate environment which is rarely preserved for otolith associations. A total of 49 specimens were recovered from the upper Maastrichtian of the Maastricht Formation, of which 39 could be identified and belong to 15 species, plus one from the overlying Danian. New insight is gained into early gadiform and perciform (sensu lato) diversification. Three new taxa are described: Archaemacruroides vanknippenbergi n. sp. (Gadiformes incertae sedis), Rhinocephalus cretaceus n. sp. (Gadiformes, Merlucciidae) and Cretaserranus maastrichtensis n. gen. et sp. (Perciformes, Serranidae?).


来自马斯特里赫特类型区域(荷兰,比利时)的硅化耳石记录了晚白垩世,在 K/Pg 边界灭绝事件之前的早期鲽形和鲈形鱼类

马斯特里赫特是现代硬骨鱼类进化的重要时期。在灾难性的 K/Pg 边界灭绝事件中后来消失的某些硬骨类群体在此期间蓬勃发展,而随后填补空白并进化的其他群体的根系已经出现。耳石构成了重建已灭绝硬骨动物群的重要数据集,并且经常被发现补充从骨骼遗骸中获得的信息。在这里,我们描述了从 Maastricht 阶的类型区域获得的耳石,来自 Maastricht 组内的各个层次。这种组合在保存为硅化新变体方面是独一无二的,反映了浅海碳酸盐环境,很少为耳石组合保存。在马斯特里赫特组上马斯特里赫特组共发现49个标本,其中39个可识别,属于15种,另外1个来自上覆的大年。获得了对早期鲽形和鲈形的新见解(sensu lato ) 多样化。描述了三个新的分类群:Archaemacruroides vanknippenbergi n。sp. (Gadiformes incertae sedis ), Rhinocephalus cretaceus n. sp. (Gadiformes, Merlucciidae) 和Cretaserranus maastrichtensis n。将军 等 sp. (鲈形目,鲈科?)。
