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Cyclotron dynamics of a Bose—Einstein condensate in a quadruple-well potential with synthetic gauge fields
Frontiers of Physics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s11467-021-1078-5
Wen-Yuan Wang , Ji Lin , Jie Liu

We investigate the cyclotron dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a quadruple-well potential with synthetic gauge fields. We use laser-assisted tunneling to generate large tunable effective magnetic fields for BEC. The mean position of BEC follows an orbit that simulated the cyclotron orbits of charged particles in a magnetic field. In the absence of atomic interaction, atom dynamics may exhibit periodic or quasi-periodic cyclotron orbits. In the presence of atomic interaction, the system may exhibit self-trapping, which depends on synthetic gauge fields and atomic interaction strength. In particular, the competition between synthetic gauge fields and atomic interaction leads to the generation of several discontinuous parameter windows for the transition to self-trapping, which is obviously different from that without synthetic gauge fields.



我们在具有合成规范场的四井势中研究玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚 (BEC) 的回旋动力学。我们使用激光辅助隧道效应为 BEC 产生大的可调有效磁场。BEC 的平均位置遵循模拟带电粒子在磁场中的回旋轨道的轨道。在没有原子相互作用的情况下,原子动力学可能表现出周期性或准周期性的回旋轨道。在存在原子相互作用的情况下,系统可能会表现出自陷,这取决于合成规范场和原子相互作用强度。特别是,合成规范场和原子相互作用之间的竞争导致产生几个不连续的参数窗口,用于过渡到自陷,
