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Paleomagnetism of the Permian-Triassic intrusions from the Norilsk region (the Siberian platform, Russia): Implications for the timing and correlation of magmatic events, and magmatic evolution
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2021.104858
Anton Latyshev , Nadezhda Krivolutskaya , Polina Ulyakhina , Anna Fetisova , Roman Veselovskiy , Alexander Pasenko , Alexey Khotylev , Maiia Anosova

The Norilsk region is a key area within the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province, due to the thickest sections of the Permian-Triassic extrusive rocks and high diversity of intrusions and volcanics in composition. The unique Cu-Ni-PGE deposits related to the Siberian Traps intrusions are present here. On the basis of the new representative paleomagnetic and geochemical data, we distinguished three stages of intrusive magmatic activity. At the initial stage, high-Ti trachydolerites of the Yergalakhsky complex were emplaced synchronously with the lower part of the Norilsk volcanic section. The middle stage was manifested by emplacement of ore-bearing intrusions of the Norilsk type, leucogabbro of the Kruglogorsky type, and barren gabbro-dolerites of the Oganer complex, coeval with the Morongovsky and Mokulaevsky volcanic formations (about 251.8–251.6 Ma). At this stage, magmatic activity occurred as a series of brief and powerful events. Finally, the terminal stage is represented by geochemically contrasting dikes of the Avamsky and Daldykan complexes, cutting the entire volcanic section of the Norilsk region.

Our new paleomagnetic results together with U-Pb show that the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Norilsk volcanic section should be set at the base of the Morongovsky Formation (the middle part of the Norilsk tuff-lava pile), and the duration of volcanic activity after this boundary can be estimated as ~0.5 Myr.



诺里尔斯克地区是西伯利亚圈闭大型火成岩省内的一个关键区域,因为二叠纪-三叠纪喷出岩的岩层最厚,侵入岩和火山岩的成分具有高度多样性。与西伯利亚圈闭侵入体相关的独特的 Cu-Ni-PGE 矿床就在这里。根据新的代表性古地磁和地球化学数据,我们区分了侵入岩浆活动的三个阶段。初期,叶尔格拉赫斯基杂岩体的高钛粗斜纹岩与诺里尔斯克火山剖面下部同步侵位。中期表现为 Norilsk 型含矿侵入体、Kruglogorsky 型白辉长岩和 Oganer 杂岩贫瘠辉长岩的侵位,与 Morongovsky 和 ​​Mokulaevsky 火山岩组同时期(约 251.8-251. 6 马)。在这个阶段,岩浆活动作为​​一系列短暂而强大的事件发生。最后,末期由地球化学对比鲜明的 Avamsky 和 ​​Daldykan 复合岩脉代表,切割了诺里尔斯克地区的整个火山部分。

我们新的古地磁结果和 U-Pb 表明,诺里尔斯克火山剖面的二叠纪-三叠纪边界应设置在莫龙戈夫斯基组的底部(诺里尔斯克凝灰岩堆的中部),火山活动的持续时间在此边界之后可以估计为 ~0.5 Myr。
