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Rare hybrid solves “genetic problem” of linked plumage traits
Ecology ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3424
Marcella D Baiz 1 , Andrew W Wood 1 , David P L Toews 1

We study hybrids, in part, because they are broken. Not in the sense that they are literally broken—although in many cases they do have low fitness compared to parental species—but because the recombination that occurs with multiple generations of hybridization breaks up the genomes of two species and puts it back together in unpredictable ways. This genetic mixing allows researchers to associate regions of the genome with phenotypes that differ between the parental species. Research in two hybridizing songbird species, the golden-winged warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) and blue-winged warbler (V. cyanoptera), have allowed us to do just that for plumage pigmentation traits (Toews et al. 2016; Baiz et al. 2020).



我们研究混合动力车,部分是因为它们坏了。并不是说它们真的被破坏了——尽管在许多情况下它们与亲本物种相比确实具有较低的适应性——而是因为多代杂交发生的重组破坏了两个物种的基因组,并以不可预测的方式将它们重新组合在一起. 这种遗传混合使研究人员能够将基因组区域与亲本物种之间不同的表型相关联。对两种杂交鸣禽物种的研究,即金翅莺(Vermivora chrysoptera)和蓝翅莺(V. cyanoptera),使我们能够在羽毛色素沉着性状方面做到这一点(Toews 等人,2016 年;Baiz 等人,2020 年) )。