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Effects of organizational conflict history and employees' situational perceptions of COVID-19 on negative megaphoning and turnover intention
Journal of Communication Management ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1108/jcom-10-2020-0114
Myoung-Gi Chon , Lisa Tam , Jeong-Nam Kim


This study explores the interaction effects of organizational conflict history and employees' situational perceptions of COVID-19 on negative megaphoning and turnover intention.


Survey data (N = 476) were collected from US citizens, who self-identified as full-time employees, through Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) in August 2020.


Organizational conflict history (i.e. highly conflict-prone vs less conflict-prone workplaces) interacts with employees' situational perceptions of COVID-19 (i.e. inactive vs active publics) in affecting employees' negative megaphoning and turnover intention toward their organizations. Employees who are active publics on COVID-19 in highly conflict-prone workplaces reported the highest negative megaphoning and turnover intention. On the contrary, employees who are inactive publics on COVID-19 in less conflict-prone workplaces reported the lowest negative megaphoning and turnover intention.

Practical implications

COVID-19 is an uncontrollable, exogenous crisis for organizations. While it is expected that employees in highly conflict-prone workplaces would report higher negative megaphoning and turnover intention, this study found that employees' situational perceptions of COVID-19 would further exacerbate the effects. This finding reflects the importance of managing organizational conflicts continuously and preemptively while also segmenting and cultivating relationships with employees based on their situational perceptions of issues and crises.


This study identified the significance of the interaction of cross-situational factors (e.g. employees' recollection of organizational conflict history) and situational factors (e.g. employees' situational perceptions of issues) in affecting employees' negative behavioral intentions in crisis situations, even if the crises are exogenous and uncontrollable.


组织冲突历史和员工对 COVID-19 的情境感知对负面扩音和离职意向的影响


本研究探讨了组织冲突历史和员工对 COVID-19 的情境感知对负面扩音和离职意向的交互影响。


调查数据 ( N  = 476) 是在 2020 年 8 月通过 Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) 从自称为全职员工的美国公民中收集的。


组织冲突历史(即高度冲突与较少冲突的工作场所)与员工对 COVID-19 的情境感知(即不活跃与活跃的公众)相互作用,从而影响员工对其组织的负面扩音和离职意图。在高度容易发生冲突的工作场所中积极参与 COVID-19 的员工报告了最高的负面扩音和离职意向。相反,在冲突较少的工作场所中对 COVID-19 不活跃的公众的员工报告的负面扩音和离职意向最低。


COVID-19 是组织无法控制的外生危机。虽然预计高度冲突的工作场所的员工会报告更高的负面扩音和离职意向,但本研究发现,员工对 COVID-19 的情境感知会进一步加剧这种影响。这一发现反映了持续和先发制人地管理组织冲突的重要性,同时还根据员工对问题和危机的情境感知来细分和培养与员工的关系。


