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What was that all about? On internal crisis communication and communicative coworkership during a pandemic
Journal of Communication Management ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-07 , DOI: 10.1108/jcom-09-2020-0105
Mats Heide , Charlotte Simonsson


The aim of this paper is to contribute with increased knowledge of the complex role of internal communication during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, the authors want to address the following research questions. How can the overall approach to internal crisis communication during the pandemic be interpreted, and what view of internal crisis communication does this approach reflect? What has been characteristic of the leadership communication during the pandemic? What do coworkers think of their communication role and how well does the internal communication support that role?


This article is based on a case study of an authority with 1,000 employees. The empirical material consists of both documents and interviews. The analyzed documents include steering documents, e-mails to managers from the support function and newsletters from the top manager. The 17 interviews comprise managers, coworkers and communication managers. All interviews were recorded and the authors have conducted verbatim transcriptions.


The pandemic is an example of a wicked problem that involves a lot of ambiguity. Often organizations try to handle wicked problems by trying to control it through traditional management skills and practices. A pandemic demands a leadership, culture and communicative approach that highlights the importance of coworkers. In the studied organization the authors found knowledge and rhetoric about the value of coworkers and communicative coworkership. However, top management does not encourage, support and award practices that are in line with the espoused culture. The key to success is top managers that walk the talk and act as role models.

Practical implications

Crisis managers and crisis communicators need to focus more on improvisation, flexibility, listening and how to approach and make sense of the uncertain. In general, there is a tendency to rely too much on simple tools and to oversimplify complexity. Complex crises such as the pandemic raise new demands on leadership. Effective crisis leadership in a complex crisis seems to be much more democratic and collaborative than often assumed. If coworkers are expected to act as ambassadors or organizational representatives, they also need to be given better support for that role.


This article highlights the importance of closing the gap between espoused and enacted culture in order to change from a managerialistic internal crisis communication to a process internal crisis communication approach.




本文的目的是增加对内部沟通在 COVID-19 大流行等危机中的复杂作用的认识。更具体地说,作者想要解决以下研究问题。如何解读大流行期间内部危机沟通的整体方法,这种方法反映了内部危机沟通的什么观点?大流行期间领导沟通的特点是什么?同事如何看待他们的沟通角色,以及内部沟通对这个角色的支持程度如何?


本文基于对拥有 1,000 名员工的权威机构的案例研究。实证材料包括文件和访谈。分析的文件包括指导文件、支持职能部门发给经理的电子邮件和高层经理的通讯。17 次访谈包括经理、同事和通讯经理。所有采访都被记录下来,作者进行了逐字转录。






