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Pocahontas and Settler Memory in the Appalachian West and South
Western Historical Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1093/whq/whab075
Kristalyn Marie Shefveland 1

This article utilizes the Pocahontas coalfields in West Virginia and the Indian River Farms Company settlement of Vero Beach Florida as case studies of settler memory. As late as the nineteenth century, setters considered these two very different, but connected, Southern spaces as frontiers. Settlers in both places constructed fantasies about Native peoples that focused primarily on the idea of the Native woman Pocahontas. These are imaginative creations that both attempt to create a settlement and to hearken back to fantasies of the past that never fully existed. With selective constructions of memory, both settlements chose Pocahontas because the name evoked a settler dream of the good Indian yielding to conquest, just as they sought a pliant and willing landscape that would yield mineral and agricultural riches. In fact, both places have longer and deeper Native histories that settler and booster histories have obfuscated and hidden in favor of more “romantic” national narratives such as the Pocahontas myth, in order to sell a place and a product.



本文利用西弗吉尼亚州的 Pocahontas 煤田和佛罗里达州维罗海滩的 Indian River Farms Company 定居点作为定居者记忆的案例研究。直到 19 世纪,二传手将这两个非常不同但又相互联系的南方空间视为边界。这两个地方的定居者都对原住民产生了幻想,这些幻想主要集中在原住民女性风中奇缘的想法上。这些都是富有想象力的创作,既试图创造一个定居点,又试图回想起从未完全存在的过去的幻想。由于记忆的选择性构建,两个定居点都选择了风中奇缘,因为这个名字唤起了一个定居者的梦想,即善良的印第安人屈服于征服,就像他们寻求一个可以产生矿产和农业财富的顺从和自愿的景观一样。实际上,