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Bridging the Seas: The Rise of Naval Architecture in the Industrial Age, 1800–2000 by Larrie D. Ferreiro (review)
Technology and Culture ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04
Apostolos Delis

Reviewed by:

  • Bridging the Seas: The Rise of Naval Architecture in the Industrial Age, 1800–2000 by Larrie D. Ferreiro
  • Apostolos Delis (bio)
Bridging the Seas: The Rise of Naval Architecture in the Industrial Age, 1800–2000 By Larrie D. Ferreiro. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020. Pp. 408.

Bridging the Seas: The Rise of Naval Architecture in the Industrial Age, 1800–2000 By Larrie D. Ferreiro. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020. Pp. 408.

In Bridging the Seas, a history of naval architecture in the modern and contemporary periods, Larrie D. Ferreiro successfully continues the work he began with Ships and Sciences (MIT Press, 2007). Ferreiro is one of the very few experts, worldwide, in the history of naval architecture, and his book is a rare reference on this topic. It comprehensively synthesizes the developments in naval architecture from the eighteenth century to the present day, covering the industrialization of ships and shipbuilding. Ferreiro does this by analyzing the role and involvement of naval architects in the technical evolution of ships. The book addresses crucial historical questions such as the search for speed under sail, the transition from sail to steam technology, the accurate prediction of a ship's performance, and the standardization of ship construction. The author furthermore analyzes the evolution of naval architects into a distinct category of scientists and professionals, which also came to include women, a dimension often overlooked by historians in this field.

Ferreiro convincingly demonstrates his main thesis, namely that the progress of naval architecture was dictated, adopted, and utilized by commercial shipyards. In fact, technical developments in merchant ships anticipated those in naval vessels, often due to the conservatism or bias of institutional actors (British Admiralty) and thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit shown by architects such as Brunel, Griffiths, or Napier. The book also answers important questions related to the interplay between naval architecture and commercial shipping, including the impact of wave line theory on the ultimate development of the sailing ship; the (sound) belief of experts in the strength of iron and steel hulls; and the recognition of the classification societies (e.g., Lloyds Register of Ships), which went from being commercial information entities to regulatory organizations for safety at sea. The book also provides a thorough account of the institutional history of naval architecture in various western European countries, the United States, Japan, and Russia. Generally, the author manages to deal successfully with the multilingual information of his primary and secondary sources and bibliography. This offers a comparative dimension, which may be one of the most important contributions of this book.

The narrative is based on detailed information—technical, scientific, commercial, and social—enriched with illustrations, designs, and photographs. Some of this information, like mathematical formulas or complex designs, might be inaccessible to non-experts, but most of it is certainly [End Page 588] helpful for understanding technical matters. Another dimension to appreciate, exhibited in other recent books such as Crosbie Smith's Coal, Steam and Ships (Cambridge University Press, 2018), is a narrative that expands into analysis of some of the main actors, including aspects of their personal lives and social relations.

Since the book is about the rise of naval architecture in the industrial age, more emphasis should have been placed on marine engineering, since naval architecture and marine engineering came to be strictly interwoven from the period in question up to the present. Instead, there is limited emphasis (only in a section of the second chapter) on the evolution of the steam engine. This omission is also evident in the section on professional societies and publications. The author mentions only two institutions of civil engineers and mechanical engineers, without deeper analysis of other similar institutions—and the eventuality that their published transactions might have hosted papers on naval architecture. Similarly, in the publications, there is no mention of very important periodicals such as The Artisan and The Engineer, even though they frequently hosted papers, information, illustrations, and designs on both marine engineering and naval architecture.

Overall, Bridging the Seas is an important reference on a little-explored topic and addresses (both explicitly and implicitly) many questions for further research on a variety of aspects of political, military, economic, social...


跨越海洋:工业时代造船业的兴起,1800-2000 年,Larrie D. Ferreiro(评论)


  • 跨越海洋:工业时代造船业的兴起,1800-2000 年,Larrie D. Ferreiro
  • 阿波斯托洛斯熟食店(生物)
跨越海洋:工业时代造船业的兴起,1800-2000年,Larrie D. Ferreiro。马萨诸塞州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社,2020 年。Pp。408.

跨越海洋:工业时代造船业的兴起,1800-2000年,Larrie D. Ferreiro。马萨诸塞州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社,2020 年。Pp。408.

在现代和当代时期的造船历史中的海洋桥接中,拉里·D·费雷罗成功地延续了他在船舶和科学领域开始的工作(麻省理工学院出版社,2007 年)。费雷罗是世界范围内造船史上为数不多的专家之一,他的书是这方面的难得参考。它全面综合了十八世纪至今造船业的发展,涵盖船舶工业化和造船业。费雷罗通过分析造船师在船舶技术发展中的作用和参与来做到这一点。这本书解决了关键的历史问题,例如在航行中寻找速度、从航行到蒸汽技术的过渡、船舶性能的准确预测以及船舶建造的标准化。作者进一步分析了造船师演变为科学家和专业人士的独特类别,其中也包括女性、


叙述基于详细的信息——技术、科学、商业和社会——丰富的插图、设计和照片。其中一些信息,如数学公式或复杂的设计,非专家可能无法获得,但其中大部分肯定[End Page 588]有助于理解技术问题。另一个值得欣赏的维度,在 Crosbie Smith 的Coal、Steam 和 Ships(剑桥大学出版社,2018 年)等其他近期书籍中展出,是一种叙事,扩展到对一些主要演员的分析,包括他们个人生活和社会关系的各个方面.

由于这本书是关于工业时代造船业的兴起,所以应该更多地强调海洋工程,因为从那个时期到现在,造船工程和海洋工程是严格交织在一起的。相反,对蒸汽机发展的强调(仅在第二章的一部分中)是有限的。这种遗漏在有关专业协会和出版物的部分中也很明显。作者只提到了土木工程师和机械工程师这两个机构,没有对其他类似机构进行更深入的分析——以及他们发表的交易可能会发表关于造船学的论文的可能性。同样,在出版物中,也没有提到非常重要的期刊,例如The Artisan工程师,尽管他们经常主持有关海洋工程和造船工程的论文、信息、插图和设计。

