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The railway and modernization in Quito: A dramatic change between 1905 and 1922 by Wilson Miño Grijalva (review)
Technology and Culture ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04
J. Justin Castro

Reviewed by:

  • The railway and modernization in Quito: A dramatic change between 1905 and 1922 by Wilson Miño Grijalva
  • J. Justin Castro (bio)
Ferrocarril y modernización en Quito: Un cambio dramático entre 1905 y 1922 [The railway and modernization in Quito: A dramatic change between 1905 and 1922] By Wilson Miño Grijalva. Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2018. Pp. 79.

Ferrocarril y modernización en Quito: Un cambio dramático entre 1905 y 1922 [The railway and modernization in Quito: A dramatic change between 1905 and 1922] By Wilson Miño Grijalva. Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2018. Pp. 79.

Wilson Miño Grivjalva's Ferrocarril y modernazición en Quito is a welcome addition to a growing number of historical works about transportation and urban development in parts of Latin America that have received little attention by historians to date. Miño Grivjalva is by no means the first person to examine how railways and urban development have intertwined, but few people have done so about Quito, the capital of Ecuador. His main objective is to show how the trans-Andean railway between the port city of Guayaquil and Quito, Ecuador's interior capital, excited municipal officials to expand modernization campaigns focused on public works.

Consisting of an introduction, three short chapters, and a conclusion, this brief book is a revised version of Miño Grijalva's master's thesis. It leans heavily, perhaps a little too heavily, on contextualizing Quito's modernization schemes through secondary works authored by historians José Kuis Romero, Jean-Paul Deler, Sofía Luzuriaga, and historical anthropologists Kim Clark and Eduardo Kingman.

The book's first chapter provides a generalized exploration of the global context of modernization in Latin America during the last quarter of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century. Modern public works projects moved slowly in Quito, in part because the city lacked rapid communication with the rest of the world via the ocean, something that the railway changed. In addition to providing greater access to global trade, the railroad also further solidified a national market. Miño Grivjalva covers familiar discussions about Latin American export economies—cocoa and coffee in the case of Ecuador—and foreign investment. He portrays Ecuadorians as uncritically incorporating foreign experts and technologies, which runs counter to most of the works published recently in the United States about the history of technology in Latin America. They tend to emphasize contested perspectives and projects, local innovation, and hybrid adaptations. Good examples are Beyond Imported Magic (MIT Press, 2014), edited by Eden Medina, Ivan da Costa Marques, and Christina Holmes, and monographs such as Eve Buckley's Technocrats and the Politics of Drought and Development in Twentieth-Century Brazil (University of North Carolina Press, 2017), Rocio Gomez's Silver Veins, Dusty Lungs (University of Nebraska Press, 2020), and Diana Montaño's Electrifying Mexico (University of Texas Press, 2021). [End Page 628]

Miño Grivjalva argues in his second chapter that the railway did not begin modernization campaigns in Quito, but it did amplify trends underway. He writes that the resulting projects were collaborations between national and local officials, business owners, and bankers, but he emphasizes the municipal actors. Specifically, he focuses on Quito cantonal council president Andrade Marín. Marín held several positivistic and progressive ideals common to reformers across the western world at the turn of the twentieth century. He promoted hygiene measures, systematic streets and communications grids, and increased access to water. The railway made these projects easier to complete by providing easier access to new building materials such as cement, iron, and glass. This access also provoked increases in the manufacturing of textiles, foodstuffs, and beverages.

The majority of Miño Grivjalva's original contributions are in his final chapter, where he uses municipal records to examine the expansion of potable water, the modernization of local marketplaces, the installation of toilets, the ordering of streets, the distribution of vaccines, and the growth of gas-powered vehicles, telephones, lighting, and electric trams. As Miño Grivjalva shows, local government officials more forcefully placed themselves into the everyday lives of people. Yet, Quito...


基多的铁路和现代化:1905 年至 1922 年之间的巨大变化,威尔逊·米诺·格里哈尔瓦(Wilson Miño Grijalva)(评论)


  • 基多的铁路和现代化:1905 年至 1922 年之间的巨大变化,威尔逊·米诺·格里哈尔瓦 (Wilson Miño Grijalva)
  • J.贾斯汀卡斯特罗(生物)
Ferrocarril y modernización en Quito: Un cambio dramatico entre 1905 y 1922 [基多的铁路和现代化:1905 年和 1922 年之间的巨大变化] 威尔逊·米诺·格里哈尔瓦着。基多:安迪纳西蒙玻利瓦尔大学,2018 年。Pp。79.

Ferrocarril y modernización en Quito: Un cambio dramatico entre 1905 y 1922 [基多的铁路和现代化:1905 年和 1922 年之间的巨大变化]威尔逊·米诺·格里哈尔瓦着。基多:安迪纳西蒙玻利瓦尔大学,2018 年。Pp。79.

Wilson Miño Grivjalva 的Ferrocarril y modernazición en Quito是对拉丁美洲部分地区越来越多的关于交通和城市发展的历史著作的一个受欢迎的补充,这些著作迄今为止很少受到历史学家的关注。Miño Grivjalva 绝不是第一个研究铁路和城市发展如何交织在一起的人,但很少有人对厄瓜多尔首都基多做过这样的研究。他的主要目标是展示港口城市瓜亚基尔和厄瓜多尔内陆首都基多之间的跨安第斯铁路如何激发市政官员扩大以公共工程为重点的现代化运动。

这本简短的书由简介、三个简短的章节和一个结论组成,是 Miño Grijalva 硕士论文的修订版。它非常依赖,也许有点过于依赖历史学家何塞·库伊斯·罗梅罗、让-保罗·德勒、索菲亚·卢祖里亚加和历史人类学家金·克拉克和爱德华多·金曼所著的二手作品,将基多的现代化计划置于语境中。

本书的第一章概括地探讨了 19 世纪最后 25 年和 20 世纪头 10 年拉丁美洲现代化的全球背景。基多的现代公共工程项目进展缓慢,部分原因是该市缺乏通过海洋与世界其他地区快速沟通的能力,而铁路改变了这一点。除了提供更多的全球贸易渠道外,铁路还进一步巩固了全国市场。Miño Grivjalva 涵盖了有关拉丁美洲出口经济体——厄瓜多尔的可可和咖啡——以及外国投资的熟悉讨论。他将厄瓜多尔人描绘成不加批判地吸收外国专家和技术,这与最近在美国发表的关于拉丁美洲技术史的大部分作品背道而驰。他们倾向于强调有争议的观点和项目、本地创新和混合适应。很好的例子是Beyond Imported Magic(麻省理工学院出版社,2014 年),由 Eden Medina、Ivan da Costa Marques 和 Christina Holmes 编辑,以及 Eve Buckley 的Technocrats 和 20 世纪巴西干旱与发展政治(北卡罗来纳大学出版社, 2017)、Rocio Gomez 的Silver Veins、Dusty Lungs(内布拉斯加大学出版社,2020 年)和 Diana Montaño 的《电气化墨西哥》(德克萨斯大学出版社,2021 年)。[第628页结束]

Miño Grivjalva 在他的第二章中辩称,铁路并未在基多开始现代化运动,但它确实放大了正在进行的趋势。他写道,由此产生的项目是国家和地方官员、企业主和银行家之间的合作,但他强调的是市政参与者。具体来说,他关注基多州议会主席安德拉德·马林。在二十世纪之交,马林持有西方世界改革者共有的几种实证主义和进步理想。他提倡卫生措施、系统化街道和通讯网络,并增加供水。铁路提供了更容易获得水泥、铁和玻璃等新建筑材料的途径,使这些项目更容易完成。这种准入还刺激了纺织品、食品、

Miño Grivjalva 的大部分原创贡献都在他的最后一章中,在那里他使用市政记录来检查饮用水的扩张、当地市场的现代化、厕所的安装、街道的秩序、疫苗的分配和增长燃气动力车辆、电话、照明和电动有轨电车。正如 Miño Grivjalva 所展示的,地方政府官员更有力地将自己置身于人们的日常生活中。然而,基多...
