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Engineers, unity, expansion, fragmentation (19th and 20th centuries), volume 1: The production of a social group ed. by Antoine Derouet and Simon Paye (review)
Technology and Culture ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04
Alain P. Michel

Reviewed by:

  • Engineers, unity, expansion, fragmentation (19th and 20th centuries), volume 1: The production of a social group ed. by Antoine Derouet and Simon Paye
  • Alain P. Michel (bio)
Les ingénieurs, unité, expansion, fragmentation (XIXe et XXe siècles), Tome 1: La production d'un groupe social [Engineers, unity, expansion, fragmentation (19th and 20th centuries), volume 1: The production of a social group] Edited by Antoine Derouet and Simon Paye. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2018. Pp. 364.

Les ingénieurs, unité, expansion, fragmentation (XIXe et XXe siècles), Tome 1: La production d'un groupe social [Engineers, unity, expansion, fragmentation (19th and 20th centuries), volume 1: The production of a social group] Edited by Antoine Derouet and Simon Paye. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2018. Pp. 364.

This book is a collection of the initial proceedings of an international conference held in Paris in 2011 called "Engineer, Engineers: Expansion or Fragmentation?" The conference posited that the designation of a single polysemic professional title corresponded in fact to a variety of deeply heterogeneous jobs. It questioned both the making of a profession and its ability to endure as an emblematic figure of the industrial world.

The first volume covers the emergence of "engineers" as a social group. The second one—to be published in 2022—will deal with the construction of a transnational communication space for civil engineers in Europe from the late eighteenth to the twentieth century. Both volumes follow the emergence of a social network that revolves around the mobility of experts, the circulation of knowledge, and the constitution of professional organizations.

This 2018 volume illustrates the dynamism of engineering in the history of technology in France and Europe. It is edited by two young engineering historians, Antoine Derouet and Simon Paye, while the next volume will be overseen by two pioneers in the field (Irina Gouzevitch and Claudine Fontanon). In a published conference proceedings of 1980, A. Thépot noted that "beyond clichés and superficial judgments, engineers constituted a relatively poorly understood socio-professional category" (L'ingénieur dans la société française, 1985). In the wake of the social construction of technology (SCOT) approaches, French sociologist and historian of engineers André Grelon precociously formed an informal multinational group, bringing together researchers from West, East, and South Europe; Latin America; North Africa; and more recently Asia. In parallel, Hélène Vérin's La gloire des ingénieurs (Albin Michel, 1993) analyzed the emergence of a "technical intelligence" from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. In addition to the state engineers of the modern era, a new category of civil engineers emerged in the nineteenth century to meet the needs of industrialization. By the end of the 1990s, the "cultural turn" in social sciences and the idea that the industrial world had disappeared tended to turn the gaze of historians (even historians of technology) away from manufacturing subjects and the people behind production (Edgerton, Shock of the Old, 2006). Even in the western world, however, engineers survived this deindustrialization process, with their role expanded from an essentially [End Page 638] technical function to one managing the "human factor." In France, the historical exploration of engineering as a profession faded, but it has now resurfaced with the 2017 publication of an edited book in homage to the work of Hélène Vérin, entitled Penser la technique autrement (Classiques Garnier, 2017).

Antoine Derouet and Simon Paye's 2018 volume (and the forthcoming second volume) extends this historiography, now published in the same series: Histoire des techniques. Its twelve monographic chapters question both the representations and the practices of engineers to reveal a global consolidation of the profession. They open a field that has so far been dominated by Anglo-Saxon studies, considering more diverse countries in Europe as well as other continents. The case studies compare the situation in France (5 chapters), Spain (2), Italy (2), Belgium (1), and India (1).

Despite this somewhat heterogeneous geographical distribution, the volume presents a unified statement concerning the emergence of various groups of engineers. The introduction by Derouet and Paye sets the main thesis: the idea of persistent and fruitful tensions between the heart and the...


工程师,团结,扩张,分裂(19 和 20 世纪),第 1 卷:社会团体的生产 ed。作者:Antoine Derouet 和 Simon Paye(评论)


  • 工程师,团结,扩张,分裂(19 和 20 世纪),第 1 卷:社会团体的生产ed。作者:Antoine Derouet 和 Simon Paye
  • 阿兰·P.米歇尔(生物)
Les ingénieurs, unité, expand, fragmentation (XIX e et XX e siècles), Tome 1: La production d'un groupe social [工程师,统一,扩张,分裂(19 和 20 世纪),第 1 卷:社会的生产group]由 Antoine Derouet 和 Simon Paye 编辑。巴黎:Classiques Garnier,2018 年。Pp。364.

Les ingénieurs, unité, expand, fragmentation (XIX e et XX e siècles), Tome 1: La production d'un groupe social [工程师,统一,扩张,分裂(19 和 20 世纪),第 1 卷:社会的生产group]由 Antoine Derouet 和 Simon Paye 编辑。巴黎:Classiques Garnier,2018 年。Pp。364.

本书收录了 2011 年在巴黎举行的名为“工程师、工程师:扩展还是碎片化?”的国际会议的初步记录集。会议假定,单一的多义职称实际上对应于各种深度异质的工作。它质疑职业的形成及其作为工业世界象征性人物的能力。

第一卷涵盖了“工程师”作为一个社会群体的出现。第二篇将于 2022 年出版,将讨论 18 世纪末至 20 世纪欧洲土木工程师跨国交流空间的建设。这两卷都伴随着一个围绕专家流动、知识流通和专业组织构成的社交网络的出现。

这本 2018 年的书展示了法国和欧洲技术史上工程学的活力。它由两位年​​轻的工程历史学家 Antoine Derouet 和 Simon Paye 编辑,而下一卷将由该领域的两位先驱(Irina Gouzevitch 和 Claudine Fontanon)监督。在 1980 年出版的会议记录中,A. Thépot 指出“除了陈词滥调和肤浅的判断之外,工程师构成了一个相对鲜为人知的社会专业类别”(L'ingénieur dans la société française, 1985)。在技​​术社会建构 (SCOT) 方法之后,法国社会学家和工程师历史学家安德烈·格雷隆早早地组建了一个非正式的跨国团体,将来自西欧、东欧和南欧的研究人员聚集在一起;拉美; 北非; 以及最近的亚洲。同时,Hélène Vérin 的La gloire des ingénieurs(Albin Michel, 1993) 分析了从 16 世纪到 18 世纪“技术智能”的出现。除了现代国家的工程师之外,19 世纪出现了一个新的土木工程师类别,以满足工业化的需要。到 1990 年代末,社会科学的“文化转向”和工业世界已经消失的想法倾向于将历史学家(甚至技术历史学家)的目光从制造主题和生产背后的人身上转移(Edgerton,Shock旧的,2006 年)。然而,即使在西方世界,工程师们也从这个去工业化过程中幸存下来,他们的角色从本质上扩展到[End Page 638]管理“人为因素”的技术功能。在法国,对工程学作为一种职业的历史探索逐渐消退,但随着 2017 年出版了一本编辑过的书籍,该书向 Hélène Vérin 的作品致敬,题为Penser la technology autrement(Classiques Garnier,2017 年),现在重新浮出水面。

Antoine Derouet and Simon Paye's 2018 volume (and the forthcoming second volume) extends this historiography, now published in the same series: Histoire des techniques. Its twelve monographic chapters question both the representations and the practices of engineers to reveal a global consolidation of the profession. They open a field that has so far been dominated by Anglo-Saxon studies, considering more diverse countries in Europe as well as other continents. The case studies compare the situation in France (5 chapters), Spain (2), Italy (2), Belgium (1), and India (1).

尽管地理分布有些异类,但本书对各种工程师群体的出现提出了统一的陈述。Derouet 和 Paye 的介绍设定了主要论点:心与心之间持续而富有成效的紧张关系的想法……
