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Application of GPS tracking for understanding recreational flows within urban park
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127211
Wenping Liu , Qian Chen , Yan Li , Zhiqing Wu

With increasingly diversified and personalized lifestyles, visitors’ recreation behaviors within urban parks have become more and more active and changeable; meeting this novel change in demand has become a new challenge for effective park design and management. In fact, it has become an urgent task to understand more precisely how visitors flow through parks and in what patterns. This paper used Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking data to quantitatively identify the actual spatial movement and time cost of visitors to Jiefang Park, Wuhan, China. The results show that most recreational flows through the park relied on its major roads. These flows generally follow the distance decay law from the park entrance before reaching the midpoint of the recreation process, and recreational stoppages of these flows also occurred mainly in the first half of the trip, exhibiting three different characteristics. Based on the empirical evidence, this paper summarizes three generalized patterns of recreational flows in order to depict the general recreation behaviors of urban park visitors. These findings could help predict the spatial movement and time budget of park visitors and thus provide support for future park design and management.
