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Self-identity and persistent offending: a quantitative test of identity theory of desistance
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2021.1931623
Lin Liu 1 , Ronet Bachman 2


Compared to a vast body of research examining the crime-inhibitory roles of structural forces such as stable employment, family support and neighborhood environment, relatively fewer research efforts have been devoted to explore the role of human agency in the process of desistance. This study quantitatively tests the propositions of identity theory of desistance, a relatively new theory on crime desistance that focuses on the role of offender self-identity. Using longitudinal data from a 20 years’ follow-up study of serious adult offenders, we examine whether a pro-social identity has a direct crime-inhibitory effect. Meanwhile, we test the heterogenous effects of employment and reentry programs that are conditioned on offender self-identity. Findings provide empirical support for the propositions of ITD. Respondents who experienced sanctions in the past were able to start a desistance process by constructing a pro-social identity. Their pro-social identities not only directly inhibited recidivism but also moderated the effect of employment and reentry programs. The findings enrich our understanding of offenders’ identity transformation and desistance.




与研究稳定就业、家庭支持和邻里环境等结构性力量的抑制犯罪作用的大量研究相比,致力于探索人类能动性在阻止过程中的作用的研究工作相对较少。本研究定量地检验了阻止身份理论的命题,这是一种相对较新的犯罪阻止理论,侧重于罪犯自我认同的作用。使用来自对严重成年罪犯的 20 年后续研究的纵向数据,我们检查亲社会身份是否具有直接的犯罪抑制作用。同时,我们测试了以罪犯自我身份为条件的就业和再入境计划的异质影响。研究结果为 ITD 的命题提供了实证支持。过去经历过制裁的受访者能够通过构建亲社会身份来开始一个停止过程。他们的亲社会身份不仅直接抑制了再犯,而且还缓和了就业和再入境计划的影响。这些发现丰富了我们对罪犯身份转变和抵制的​​理解。
