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Age matters: Demographic senescence in the moss Polytrichastrum formosum
Journal of Ecology ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13717
Ditte Wiig Tholstrup 1, 2 , Rune Halvorsen 3 , Johan Petter Dahlgren 1, 2

  1. It is known that many animal species senesce demographically, showing a decrease in survival and/or fertility with age. Although there is mounting evidence for and against senescence in various flowering plant species, the question of whether senescence also occurs in other plant taxa, such as mosses and other bryophytes, remains unanswered.
  2. We used GAMMs (generalised additive mixed models) and GLMMs to assess the effects of age on survival, size and the monocarpic female ramets' sexual reproduction in Polytrichastrum formosum using demographic, ramet-level data collected over 25 years in Solhomfjell nature reserve, Norway.
  3. Survival was found to be negatively correlated with ramet age, with 1-year survival decreasing from 83% in 1-year-old to 43% in 10-year-old plants. Stem growth was positively correlated with survival but accounting for it in our models did not change the relationship between age and survival qualitatively. Annual growth decreased during the first years of the ramets' life but then stabilised. Sexual reproduction in the monocarpic females peaked at ramet age 2–4 years but was observed at ages up to 13 years. The longest-living (non-reproducing) ramet died at age 14.
  4. Synthesis. Our findings indicate that Polytrichastrum formosum ramets experience constant actuarial senescence, at least in terms of survival. This finding improves our understanding of age-dependent demography in mosses, as well as in plants in general. This new knowledge about moss demography may also aid in management decisions for threatened species, as it can improve the precision of predictions of population longevity.


年龄问题:Polytrichastrum formosum 苔藓中的人口衰老

  1. 众所周知,许多动物物种在人口统计上会衰老,显示出随着年龄的增长存活率和/或生育力下降。尽管有越来越多的证据支持和反对各种开花植物物种的衰老,但其他植物类群(如苔藓和其他苔藓植物)是否也会发生衰老的问题仍未得到解答。
  2. 我们使用 GAMM(广义加性混合模型)和 GLMM 来评估年龄对Polytrichastrum formosum 中生存、大小和单果雌性分株有性繁殖的影响,使用人口统计、分株级数据在挪威 Solhomfjell 自然保护区收集超过 25 年。
  3. 发现存活率与分株年龄呈负相关,1 年存活率从 1 年生植物的 83% 下降到 10 年生植物的 43%。茎生长与存活率呈正相关,但在我们的模型中考虑它并没有定性地改变年龄与存活率之间的关系。在分株生命的最初几年,年增长率下降,但随后趋于稳定。单果雌性的有性繁殖在分株龄 2-4 岁时达到顶峰,但在 13 岁时观察到。寿命最长(非繁殖)的分株在 14 岁时去世。
  4. 合成。我们的研究结果表明,Polytrichastrum formosum分株经历了不断的精算衰老,至少在生存方面是这样。这一发现提高了我们对苔藓以及一般植物中年龄相关人口统计学的理解。这种关于苔藓人口学的新知识也可能有助于对受威胁物种的管理决策,因为它可以提高人口寿命预测的准确性。