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The optimal solution to a principal-agent problem with unknown agent ability
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.3934/jimo.2020084
Chong Lai , , Lishan Liu , Rui Li , ,

We investigate a principal-agent model featured with unknown agent ability. Under the exponential utilities, the necessary and sufficient conditions of the incentive contract are derived by utilizing the martingale and variational methods, and the solutions of the optimal contracts are obtained by using the stochastic maximum principle. The ability uncertainty reduces the principal's ability of incentive provision. It is shown that as time goes by, the information about the ability accumulates, giving the agent less space for belief manipulation, and incentive provision will become easier. Namely, as the contractual time tends to infinity (long-term), the agent ability is revealed completely, the ability uncertainty disappears, and the optimal contracts under known and unknown ability become identical.


