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The gastrointestinal nematodes of Chiruromys forbsei Thomas and C. lamia (Thomas) (Rodentia: Muridae) with the description of a new species of Helgenema (Heligmonellidae) and a new species of Protospirura (Spiruridae) from Papua New Guinea
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1080/03721426.2021.1931652
L. R. Smales 1


The cestode, Bertiella musasabi Yamaguti, 1942 Yamaguti, S. (1942). Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan, part 42 cestodes of mammals (Vol. 11). S. Yamaguti. [Google Scholar] and four nematodes identified to at least genus level and adult specimens assignable to the Nippostrongylinae were recovered from nine of 20 individuals of Chiruromys forbsei Thomas, 1888 Thomas, M. O. (1888). Description of a new genus and species of rat from New Guinea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, London 1888, 237240. [Google Scholar]. Five nematodes identified to at least genus level and adult specimens assignable to the Nippostrongylinae were recovered from 11 of 12 individuals of C. lamia (Thomas, 1897 Thomas, M. O. (1897). Viaggio di lamberto loria nella papuasia orientale XIX. On the mammals collected in British New Guinea by Dr Lamberto Loria. Annali di Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (2a) (O.S. 38,), 18, 606612. [Google Scholar]). Species of Parasabanema from C. forbsei and C. lamia, Parastrongyloides from C. lamia and Trichuris also from C. lamia could not be assigned to any known species. Hasanuddinia chiruromyos Smales, 2011a Smales, L. R. (2011a). The gastrointestinal helminths of Chiruromys vates (Rodentia: Muridae) with the description of a new species (Nematoda: Heligmonellidae) from Papua New Guinea. Comparative Parasitology, 78(2), 327332. https://doi.org/10.1654/4500.1[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar] was previously reported from C. vates(Thomas, 1908 Thomas, M. O. (1908). A new Pogonomys presented to the British Museum by Sir William Ingram. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London, 2(8), 495496. https://doi.org/10.1080/00222930808692526[Taylor & Francis Online] , [Google Scholar]). Helgenema lamia n. sp. differed from its congener H. keablei Smales, 2020 Smales, L. R. (2020). Gastrointestinal helminths of Paramelomys levipes and P. mollis (Rodentia: Muridae) from Papua, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea with the descriptions of three new genera and nine new species (Nematoda). Zootaxa, 4861(4), 544572. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4861.4.4[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar] by its larger size, longer spicules and larger number of eggs in utero. Protospirura munimuniensis n. sp. from C. lamia was differentiated by having two denticles on each pseudolabium, males with the right spicule longer and more robust than the left, a V-shaped gubernaculum and six pairs of post cloacal papillae. Heligmonellids dominated the helminth assemblages of both hosts. Species richness, 80.6% species recovered for C. lamia,and 57% for C. vates was low in both hosts. Possible determinants of species richness were discussed.


Chiruromys forbsei Thomas 和 C. lamia (Thomas) (Rodentia: Muridae) 的胃肠道线虫,描述了来自巴布亚新几内亚的一个新种 Helgenema (Heligmonellidae) 和一个新种 Protospirura (Spiruridae)


The cestode , Bertiella musasabi Yamaguti, 1942 Yamaguti, S. ( 1942 )。日本蠕虫动物群的研究,第 42 部分哺乳动物绦虫(第 11 卷)。S. Yamaguti [谷歌学者]四口线虫鉴定至少属水平和成人标本分配到Nippostrongylinae 20的九个人被回收粗尾卷尾鼠属forbsei托马斯,1888年 托马斯,密苏里州1888 年)。新几内亚大鼠新属和种的描述动物学会会刊,伦敦 1888 年237240 [谷歌学术]。从C. lamia的 12 个个体中的 11 个中回收了 5 种至少被鉴定为属水平的线虫和可归属于 Nippostrongylinae 的成虫标本(Thomas,1897 托马斯,密苏里州1897 年)。Viaggio dilamberto loria nella 东方巴布亚第十九。Lamberto Loria 博士在英属新几内亚收集的哺乳动物Annali di Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (2a) (OS 38,) , 18, 606612 . [谷歌学术])。种ParasabanemaC. forbseiC.拉米亚,ParastrongyloidesC.拉米亚也从C.拉米亚不能分配给任何已知的物种。Hasanuddinia chiruromyosSmales,2011a Smales, LR ( 2011a )。胃肠蠕虫粗尾卷尾鼠属vates(啮齿目:鼠科)一新种(线虫:Heligmonellidae)的描述从巴布亚新几内亚比较寄生虫学, 78(2), 327332。https://doi.org/10.1654/4500.1 [Crossref]、[Web of Science®]、[  Google Scholar]之前曾从C. vates报道过(Thomas,1908 托马斯,密苏里州1908 年)。威廉·英格拉姆爵士向大英博物馆赠送的一本新《Pogonomys》自然历史年鉴和杂志,伦敦,2(8),495496。https://doi.org/10.1080/00222930808692526 [Taylor & Francis Online]  、[Google Scholar])。Helgenema lamian. sp. 与其同源基因 H. keableiSmales 不同,2020 Smales,LR2020 年)。来自巴布亚、印度尼西亚和巴布亚新几内亚Paramelomys levipesP. mollis(啮齿目:鼠科)的胃肠蠕虫,描述了三个新属和九个新种(线虫)Zootaxa , 4861(4), 544572。http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4861.4.4 [Crossref]、[Web of Science ®]  、[Google Scholar]因其较大的尺寸、较长的针状体和更多的子宫内卵子。Protospirura munimuniensisn. sp. 来自C. lamia通过在每个假阴唇上有两个小齿来区分雄性,雄性的右侧骨刺比左侧更长更坚固,有一个 V 形的总管和 6 对泄殖腔后乳头。Heligmonellids 主导了两个宿主的蠕虫组合。物种丰富度,80.6%的物种回收C.拉米亚,和57%C. vates在两台主机上是很低的。讨论了物种丰富度的可能决定因素。
