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Influence of Fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulators Application on Physicochemical Attributes of ‘Kinnow’ Mandarin Fruit
International Journal of Fruit Science ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15538362.2021.1930627
Samina Khalid 1 , Aman Ullah Malik 2 , Muhammad Irfan Ullah 3 , Muhammad Shafique Khalid 1 , Mudassar Naseer 4


Plant growth regulators (Kinetin, GA3 and Wokozim) and fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassiumand calcium) alone and in various combinations were applied to young ‘Kinnow’ mandarin trees to improve their quality. Fruit harvested at commercial maturity was analyzed at harvest and seven days after storage at ambient conditions. Results revealed that higher seed number (20) was recorded with Kinetin at 60 mg l−1 and minimum seed number (10) with Kinetin at 30 mg l−1+ GA3 at 10 mg l−1. More healthy and less aborted seeds were recorded with Wokozim (1500 g tree−1)+2 ml l−1 foliar spray. High juice mass (%) and low rag mass (%) were observed with control and 250 g tree−1 phosphorous (P) application as single super phosphate. The TSS were higher with 150 g tree−1 calcium (Ca) applied as calcium ammonium nitrate and lower with P application at 500 g tree−1. Titratable acidity was higher in fruit treated with Kinetin at 60 mg l−1 and lower in fruit treated with NPK (230 + 250 + 250 g tree−1)+Ca (150 g tree−1)+Kinetin at 30 mg l−1. The TSS:TA ratio was higher in fruit treated with NPK (230 + 250 + 250 g tree−1)+ Ca (150 g tree−1)+Kinetin at 30 mg l−1 and lower in fruit treated with P (250 g tree−1)+ Kinetin at 30 mg l−1. Ascorbic acid was higher in fruit treated with Ca (150 g tree−1)+P (250 g tree−1)+Kinetin at 30 mg l−1 and lower with Wokozim (1500 g tree−1)+2 ml l−1 foliar applications.




将植物生长调节剂(Kinetin、GA 3和 Wokozim)和肥料(氮、磷、钾和钙)单独和以各种组合应用于年轻的“Kinnow”柑橘树,以提高它们的质量。在收获时和在环境条件下储存 7 天后分析在商业成熟时收获的果实。结果表明,较高的种子数(20)在60毫克升记录有激动素-1和最小种子数(10),激动素以30mg升-1 + GA 3以10mg升-1。使用 Wokozim(1500 g 树-1)+2 ml l -1记录了更健康和更​​少流产的种子叶面喷施。在对照和250g树-1磷(P)作为单一过磷酸钙施用的情况下观察到高汁液质量(%)和低碎布质量(%) 。TSS 在以硝酸铵钙形式施用150 g 树木-1钙 (Ca) 时较高,而在 500 g 树木-1处施用磷时TSS较低。用 60 mg l -1激动素处理的水果的可滴定酸度较高,而用 NPK (230 + 250 + 250 g 树-1 )+Ca (150 g 树-1 )+ 30 mg l -1激动素处理的水果中的可滴定酸度较低. 在用 NPK (230 + 250 + 250 g 树-1 )+ Ca (150 g 树-1 )+ 30 mg l -1激动素处理的果实中,TSS:TA 比率更高在用 P (250 g 树-1 )+ 激动素 30 mg l -1处理的果实中更低。用 Ca (150 g 树-1 )+P (250 g 树-1 )+激动素 30 mg l -1处理的果实中抗坏血酸较高,而用 Wokozim (1500 g 树-1 )+2 ml l -1处理的果实中抗坏血酸较低叶面应用。
