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Workshop methodology design: Innovation-oriented participatory processes for sustainability
Annals of Tourism Research ( IF 10.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2021.103251
Giovanna Bertella , Sara Lupini , Cecilia Rossi Romanelli , Xavier Font

Workshop methodologies based on overarching knowledge structures are necessary for a shift of the tourism sector towards sustainability. We adopted a participatory action research approach and designed a workshop methodology based on the main tenets and tools of the theory of change, design thinking, and sustainable business models. We tested this methodology within a project initiated by a destination management organisation to promote innovation during the covid-19 crisis and used the results to identify improvements and recommendations for future applications. Although further tests are needed, the study proved that the developed methodology has great potential for promoting the systemic change, creativity, collaboration, empathy, and empowerment that are necessary for a sustainability shift.



基于总体知识结构的研讨会方法对于旅游业向可持续性转变是必要的。我们采用了参与式行动研究方法,并根据变革理论、设计思维和可持续商业模式的主要原则和工具设计了研讨会方法。我们在一个由目的地管理组织发起的项目中测试了这种方法,以在 covid-19 危机期间促进创新,并使用结果来确定未来应用的改进和建议。尽管需要进一步的测试,但该研究证明,所开发的方法具有促进可持续性转变所必需的系统性变革、创造力、协作、同理心和赋权的巨大潜力。
