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Religious Women and the Northern Ireland Troubles
Journal of Religious History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9809.12767
Dianne Kirby

The article uses research from an ongoing oral history project examining the peacebuilding work of religious women during the conflict in and about Northern Ireland, euphemistically known as the “Troubles.” The focus is on religious women whose peacebuilding activism was motivated by faith. Since 2015 the project has recorded religious women in conversation about their lives serving the working-class communities that bore the brunt of the violence during the Troubles. It has brought to the fore their involvement in political as well as personal and societal reconciliation. Yet their activism has been omitted from the historical record. The article explores why this happened and argues the necessity of considering their contributions to the peace process in order that its dynamics be fully understood. The article brings forward new research that complicates secularisation narratives and the male-centric version of the Troubles that still prevails.



这篇文章使用了一项正在进行的口述历史项目的研究,该项目研究了北爱尔兰及其周边地区的宗教妇女在冲突期间的和平建设工作,委婉地称为“麻烦”。重点是那些以信仰为动力的建设和平活动的宗教妇女。自 2015 年以来,该项目记录了宗教女性关于她们在为在动乱期间首当其冲的工人阶级社区服务的生活的谈话。它使他们在政治以及个人和社会和解中的参与脱颖而出。然而,他们的激进主义已从历史记录中被遗漏了。文章探讨了为什么会发生这种情况,并论证了考虑他们对和平进程的贡献的必要性,以便充分了解其动态。