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Advocating for a Collaborative Research Approach on Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s40653-021-00369-7
Suria Afifah Ridhuan 1 , Anna Caltabiano 1 , Harry Gillis 1 , Ali Giritlioğlu 1 , Anna Graff 1 , L E Hampikian 1 , Ariadin K Jones 1 , Philip Luetgerath 1 , Aidan Pierce 1 , Emma Pomeroy 1 , Rihlat Said-Mohamed 1

Since Myers (1915) coined the term ‘shell shock’ to define the prolonged suffering of soldiers returning from the Great War, the psychological and physical result of distressing experiences, known as trauma, has been of academic interest. Transgenerational transmission of trauma effects has been recorded, demonstrating that on some level, the exposure to trauma of one generation can impact individuals of a subsequent generation (Yehuda & Lehrner, 2018). Observational studies on children of holocaust survivors formed the basis of this trajectory of research (Rakoff, 1966), and eventually this phenomenon became referred to as the transgenerational transmission of trauma (TTT). Since then, TTT has been observed in several contexts, including within families who have experienced high rates historical trauma (O’Neill et al., 2016), within regions high-frequencies of historical war and terrorism (Yehuda & Lehrner, 2018) and those who have undergone famine (Ahmed, 2010). This report aims to outline several pathways (biological, psychological, and sociological) by which trauma may be transmitted across generations. Moreover, it discusses several methods of trauma assessment and the related challenges and benefits. Lastly, this report advocates a biopsychosocial approach – an interdisciplinary model using the interplay of biological, psychological, and social-environmental factors – to research TTT. By promoting the benefits of such an interdisciplinary approach we attempt to break up silos between disciplines and encourage collaboration between academics from various backgrounds researching this topic to better serve individuals impacted by TTT.



自从迈尔斯(Myers,1915)创造了“炮弹休克症”一词来定义从第一次世界大战中归来的士兵所遭受的长期痛苦以来,痛苦经历(称为创伤)所造成的心理和身体结果一直引起学术界的兴趣。创伤影响的跨代传播已被记录,表明在某种程度上,一代人遭受的创伤可能会影响下一代的个体(Yehuda & Lehrner,2018)。对大屠杀幸存者儿童的观察性研究构成了这一研究轨迹的基础(Rakoff,1966),最终这种现象被称为创伤的跨代传播(TTT)。从那时起,TTT 在多种环境中被观察到,包括经历过高频率历史创伤的家庭(O'Neill 等,2016)、历史战争和恐怖主义高频率地区(Yehuda & Lehrner,2018)以及那些经历过饥荒的人(Ahmed,2010)。本报告旨在概述创伤可能代代相传的几种途径(生物、心理和社会学)。此外,它还讨论了创伤评估的几种方法以及相关的挑战和好处。最后,本报告提倡采用生物心理社会方法(一种利用生物、心理和社会环境因素相互作用的跨学科模型)来研究 TTT。通过宣传这种跨学科方法的好处,我们试图打破学科之间的隔阂,并鼓励来自不同背景的学者之间合作研究这一主题,以更好地为受 TTT 影响的个人服务。
