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Engagement in Learning Physics Through Project-Based Learning: A Case Study of Gifted Finnish Upper-Secondary-Level Students
Journal of Advanced Academics ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-02 , DOI: 10.1177/1932202x211018644
Taina Makkonen 1 , Kirsi Tirri 1 , Jari Lavonen 1

Research on the advantages and disadvantages of project-based learning (PBL) among gifted pupils studying physics is scarce. This mixed-methods study investigates engagement, experiences, and learning outcomes among gifted Finnish upper-secondary-level students learning physics through PBL. A six-lesson PBL module on basic Newtonian mechanics was designed and implemented for a group of gifted students (N = 38), whereas a traditional teacher-driven approach was used among a control group (N = 38) of gifted students. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire, interviews and a physics test. According to the results, PBL met the preconditions (challenge, skill, interest) for engaging the students in learning physics. It generated interest in learning among the vast majority, but not as many found it challenging. The findings also highlight the impact of autonomy when learning through PBL. No differences in overall learning outcomes were found between the groups.



关于在学习物理的天才学生中基于项目的学习 (PBL) 的优缺点的研究很少。这项混合方法研究调查了通过 PBL 学习物理的有天赋的芬兰高中学生的参与度、经验和学习成果。为一组天才学生(N = 38)设计并实施了一个关于基本牛顿力学的六课 PBL 模块,而在对照组(N = 38)中使用了传统的教师驱动方法= 38) 的天才学生。通过问卷调查、访谈和物理测试收集数据。结果表明,PBL满足了学生参与物理学习的前提条件(挑战、技能、兴趣)。它激发了绝大多数人的学习兴趣,但没有那么多人认为它具有挑战性。研究结果还强调了通过 PBL 学习时自主性的影响。未发现各组之间的总体学习成果存在差异。
