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Fertilization of Pinus taeda L. on an acidic oxisol in southern Brazil: growth, litter accumulation, and root exploration
European Journal of Forest Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10342-021-01390-z
Rangel Consalter , Antônio Carlos Vargas Motta , Julierme Zimmer Barbosa , Fabiane Machado Vezzani , Rafael Alejandro Rubilar , Stephen A. Prior , Silvana Nisgoski , Marcos Vinícius Martins Bassaco

Brazil has extensive areas planted with Pinus taeda L. primarily in southern areas with poor soil fertility and nutritional management. Identifying optimal management practices can be difficult since forest floor litter, along with concomitant roots, may impact tree nutrition by interacting with fertilizer/lime applications. Seeking to evaluate this interaction, a nutrient omission experiment with seven treatments was designed to evaluate mid-rotation fertilizer/lime application to a P. taeda stand in southern Brazil. The seven treatments were: complete (N, P, K, B, Zn, Cu, Mo, and lime as a Ca and Mg source); NPK omission; micronutrient omission; K omission; Zn omission; lime omission; and control. Treatments were applied when the stand was five and seven years old, followed by harvest at twelve years. Pinus taeda responded positively, with commercial volume gains of 100% (60 to 122 m3 ha−1) when N and P were applied. Application of these nutrients also enhanced volume of logs in the 23–35-cm-diameter log class. No responses to K, lime (Ca and Mg), or micronutrient (Zn, Cu, B and Mo) amendments were observed. Nutrients and lime increased total litter accumulation, especially under omission of K. Roots were found in fragmented and humified forest floor layers, and omission of K enhanced total root mass (Mg ha−1), specific root length (m g−1), root length (km ha−1), and relative root mass (Mg Mg−1 of litter). Significant gains in P. taeda productivity on low fertility oxisols can be attained if the correct nutrients are applied at mid-rotation of these short-rotation forest systems.



巴西在土壤肥力和营养管理较差的南部地区种植了大面积的火炬松。确定最佳管理实践可能很困难,因为森林地面凋落物以及伴随的根部可能通过与肥料/石灰施用相互作用而影响树木营养。为了评估这种相互作用,设计了一个包含七种处理的养分省略实验来评估中期轮作肥料/石灰对P. taeda 的应用站在巴西南部。七个处理是:完全处理(N、P、K、B、Zn、Cu、Mo 和石灰作为 Ca 和 Mg 源);NPK 遗漏;微量营养素遗漏;省略;缺锌;石灰遗漏; 和控制。在林分 5 年和 7 年时进行处理,然后在 12 年收获。火炬松积极响应,商业量增长 100%(60 至 122 m 3  ha -1) 当应用 N 和 P 时。这些养分的应用还增加了 23-35 厘米直径原木等级的原木体积。未观察到对 K、石灰(Ca 和 Mg)或微量营养素(Zn、Cu、B 和 Mo)添加物的反应。养分和石灰增加了凋落物的总积累,尤其是在不加钾的情况下。在破碎和腐殖化的森林地层中发现了根,不加钾增加了总根质量 (Mg ha -1 )、比根长 (mg -1 )、根长度(km ha -1)和相对根质量(凋落物的Mg Mg -1)。如果在这些短轮伐期森林系统的中期轮作中施用正确的养分,则可以显着提高P. taeda对低肥力腐殖质的生产力。
