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The reflection of a blast wave by a very intense explosion
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-02 , DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2021.0154
Andrew W Cook 1 , Joseph D Bauer 1 , Gregory D Spriggs 1

We demonstrate that the geometric similarity of Taylor’s blast wave persists beyond reflection from an ideal surface. Upon impacting the surface, the spherical symmetry of the blast wave is lost but its cylindrical symmetry endures. As the flow acquires dependence on a second spatial dimension, an analytic solution of the Euler equations becomes elusive. However, the preservation of axisymmetry, geometric similarity and planar symmetry in the presence of a mirror-like surface causes all flow solutions to collapse when scaled by the height of burst (HOB) and the shock arrival time at the surface. The scaled blast volume for any yield, HOB and ambient air density follows a single universal trajectory for all scaled time, both before and after reflection.



我们证明了泰勒冲击波的几何相似性超越了理想表面的反射。在撞击表面时,冲击波的球对称性丧失,但其圆柱对称性仍然存在。由于流动依赖于第二个空间维度,欧拉方程的解析解变得难以捉摸。然而,在存在镜面表面的情况下保持轴对称性、几何相似性和平面对称性会导致所有流动解决方案在按爆裂高度 (HOB) 和冲击波到达表面的时间进行缩放时崩溃。任何产量、HOB 和环境空气密度的缩放爆炸体积在反射之前和之后的所有缩放时间都遵循单一的通用轨迹。
