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Volumetric bounds for intersections of congruent balls in Euclidean spaces
Aequationes Mathematicae ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00010-021-00814-w
Károly Bezdek

We investigate the intersections of balls of radius r, called r-ball bodies, in Euclidean d-space. An r-lense (resp., r-spindle) is the intersection of two balls of radius r (resp., balls of radius r containing a given pair of points). We prove that among r-ball bodies of a given volume, the r-lense (resp., r-spindle) has the smallest inradius (resp., largest circumradius). In general, we upper (resp., lower) bound the intrinsic volumes of r-ball bodies of a given inradius (resp., circumradius). This complements and extends some earlier results on volumetric estimates for r-ball bodies.



我们研究半径为r的球的交点,称为r球体,在欧几里得d空间中。一个r透镜(相应地,r- spindle)是两个半径为r 的球(相应地,半径为r 的球包含给定的一对点)的交集。我们证明了中[R一定体积的-ball机构,[R -lense(相应地,[R -spindle)具有最小inradius(相应地,最大外接圆半径)。一般来说,我们上限(或下限)限制了r的内在体积- 给定半径的球体(相应地,圆周半径)。这补充并扩展了一些早期关于r球体体积估计的结果。
