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Petrology, geochemistry, and source of the emplacement model of the Paleoproterozoic Tiébélé Granite Pluton, Burkina Faso (West-Africa): contribution to mineral exploration
International Journal of Earth Sciences ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00531-021-02039-3
Hermann Ilboudo , Sâga Sawadogo , Nicolas Kagambega , Toufik Remmal

The Tiébélé Granite Pluton (TGP) and the associated Pink Granite (PG), in southern Burkina Faso (West-Africa), are investigated based on petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology, to establish their relationship with volcanic-hosted mineral occurrences and their intrinsic capability to build up ore-forming metallic components. They can then be classified into either productive/fertile or nonproductive/barren intrusions with an approach using specific elements, such as Mn, Y, Rb, Zr, Sr, and Ta, as well as other discriminants including Fe2O3, Zn, and Sr/Y relative to SiO2. The TGP occurs as the main, single phase pluton, with the minor PG phase, which crosscuts the TGP. The CIPW normative Ab-An-Or and ternary K-Ca-Na indicate metaluminous (A/CNK ~ 1) “trondhjemite” and “granite” compositions. The TGP, with ΣREE ~ 89–165 ppm, is relatively enriched in LREE (La to Eu), 10–100 times chondrite compared to HREE (Gd to Lu), 3–20 times chondrite, with a weak negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* ~ 0.85–1.02). This is approximately parallel to the average of the upper crust (ΣREE ~ 144 ppm) that shows a moderate negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* ~ 0.74). This trondhjemitic to granitic pluton is an oxidized I-type granite related to partial melting of basalt and andesite from oxidized sources (based on magnetic susceptibilities), within an ensialic volcanic arc setting. In contrast to the PG, which is clearly nonproductive, based on the Y versus MnO discrimination, s the TGP seems fertile for porphyry-related Cu-Au deposits. U–Pb data on zircon yielded ages of 2147 ± 12 Ma and 2121 ± 47 Ma, respectively, for TGP and PG, whereas the rhyolite that hosts Zn-Cu-Pb Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) occurrences occurs in an extensional setting dated at 2156 ± 9 Ma, suggesting emplacement of the TGP pluton ~ 10 My later, possibly not synvolcanic to the volcanic package.


布基纳法索(西非)古元古代 Tiébélé Granite Pluton 的岩石学、地球化学和侵位模型来源:对矿产勘探的贡献

布基纳法索南部(西非)的 Tiébélé Granite Pluton (TGP) 和相关的粉红色花岗岩 (PG) 基于岩石学、地球化学和地质年代学进行了调查,以确定它们与火山岩矿床及其内在的关系建立成矿金属成分的能力。然后可以通过使用特定元素(例如 Mn、Y、Rb、Zr、Sr 和 Ta)以及其他判别式(包括 Fe 2 O 3、Zn、和 Sr/Y 相对于 SiO 2. TGP 作为主要的单相岩体出现,次要 PG 相横切 TGP。CIPW 规范的 Ab-An-Or 和三元 K-Ca-Na 表示金属铝 (A/CNK ~ 1)“长闪长岩”和“花岗岩”成分。TGP, ΣREE ~ 89-165 ppm, LREE (La to Eu) 相对富集, 球粒陨石比 HREE (Gd to Lu) 高 10-100 倍, 球粒陨石的 3-20 倍, Eu 弱负异常 (Eu /Eu* ~ 0.85–1.02)。这与上地壳的平均值 (ΣREE ~ 144 ppm) 大致平行,显示出中等的负 Eu 异常 (Eu/Eu* ~ 0.74)。这种长花岗岩到花岗质岩体是一种氧化的 I 型花岗岩,与来自氧化源的玄武岩和安山岩的部分熔化有关(基于磁化率),在火山弧环境中。与显然没有生产力的 PG 相比,基于 Y 与 MnO 的区别,TGP 似乎适合与斑岩相关的 Cu-Au 矿床。锆石的 U-Pb 数据得出的 TGP 和 PG 年龄分别为 2147 ± 12 Ma 和 2121 ± 47 Ma,而承载 Zn-Cu-Pb 火山大量硫化物 (VMS) 的流纹岩发生在年代为2156 ± 9 Ma,表明三峡岩体的就位~ 10 My 以后,可能不是同火山到火山包。
