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Wild geladas (Theropithecus gelada) in crops—more than in pasture areas—reduce aggression and affiliation
Primates ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10329-021-00916-8
Marta Caselli 1 , Anna Zanoli 1 , Carlo Dagradi 1 , Alessandro Gallo 1 , Dereje Yazezew 2 , Abebe Tadesse 2 , Michele Capasso 3 , Davide Ianniello 3 , Laura Rinaldi 3 , Elisabetta Palagi 4, 5 , Ivan Norscia 1, 5

Human–primate interfaces are expanding and, despite recent studies on primates from peri-urban environments, little research exists on the impact of agriculture and/or pasture areas on primate social behavior and health. We assessed how crop/pasture areas potentially alter social behavior and health of wild geladas (Theropithecus gelada) frequenting the unprotected area of Kundi (Ethiopia). We predicted that compared to pasture areas, crop areas (i) would be more challenging for geladas (prediction 1) and (ii) would have a greater impact on both aggressive and affiliative behavior, by reducing grooming time and enhancing competition (prediction 2). During January–May 2019 and December 2019–February 2020, we collected data (via scan, focal animal sampling, and video analyses) on direct human disturbance, external signs of pathologies and social behavior of 140 individuals from 14 one-male units and two all-male units. Animals experienced the highest level of human disturbance in crop areas (in line with prediction 1). Individuals from the groups preferentially frequenting crop areas showed the highest prevalence of external signs of pathologies consistent with chemical and biological contamination (alopecia/abnormally swollen parts). We collected 48 fecal samples. Samples from frequent crop users contained the highest rates of parasitic elements/gram (egg/larva/oocyst/cyst) from Entamoeba histolytica/dispar, a parasite common in human settlements of the Amhara region. In crop areas, subjects spent less time grooming but engaged in lower rates of intense aggression (in partial agreement with prediction 2). We speculate that the reduction in social behavior may be a tactic adopted by geladas to minimize the likelihood of detection and maximize food intake while foraging in crops.


农作物中的野生狒狒(Theropithecus gelada)比牧场中的野生狒狒减少了攻击性和归属感

人类与灵长类动物之间的接触正在扩大,尽管最近对城市周边环境中的灵长类动物进行了研究,但关于农业和/或牧场地区对灵长类动物社会行为和健康的影响的研究却很少。我们评估了农作物/牧场地区如何潜在地改变经常出没于昆迪(埃塞俄比亚)未受保护地区的野生狒狒( Theropithecus gelada )的社会行为和健康。我们预测,与牧场区相比,作物区 (i) 对狒狒来说更具挑战性(预测 1),并且 (ii) 通过减少梳理时间和增强竞争,对攻击性和亲和行为产生更大影响(预测 2) 。在 2019 年 1 月至 5 月和 2019 年 12 月至 2020 年 2 月期间,我们收集了来自 14 个单男性单位和两个单位的 140 名个体的直接人类干扰、外部病理迹象和社会行为的数据(通过扫描、焦点动物采样和视频分析)。全部为男性单位。作物区动物遭受的人类干扰程度最高(与预测 1 一致)。经常光顾作物区域的群体中的个体表现出与化学和生物污染一致的外部病理迹象(脱发/异常肿胀)的患病率最高。我们收集了 48 个粪便样本。来自经常使用农作物的样品中含有最高比例的来自溶组织内阿米巴/迪斯帕的寄生元素/克(卵/幼虫/卵囊/包囊) ,这是阿姆哈拉地区人类住区常见的寄生虫。在农作物种植区,受试者花在梳理毛发上的时间较少,但强烈攻击性的发生率较低(与预测 2 部分一致)。我们推测,减少社会行为可能是狒狒采取的一种策略,以尽量减少被发现的可能性,并在农作物中觅食时最大限度地增加食物摄入量。
