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Appropriation, Integration, and Nation Building: Portuguese Railways in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Years of the Twentieth Century
Social Science History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1017/ssh.2021.4
Hugo Silveira Pereira

In 1850, after three decades of political turmoil, Portugal started investing in major public works, particularly, in the construction of a national railway network. This strategy followed closely the suggestions of the Saint-Simonian technocrats with whom Portuguese engineers had been engaging since the 1820s. Additionally, it came in response to the longtime neglect suffered by the Portuguese transportation system, which hindered communications and trade between different areas of the kingdom and with neighboring Spain. The main goal of the investment was to modernize the national transport system, attract to Portuguese harbors a large portion of the traffic between Europe, Africa, and America, and, in general terms, put the nation on the path of progress. By the end of the nineteenth century, total mileage of the Portuguese rail network exceeded 2,300 km. This article analyzes the role of railways in the improvement of communications between the Portuguese provinces, their appropriation in a unified nation-state, the degree of integration of the Portuguese economy with the Spanish and European economies, and the construction/reinvention of Portugal as a modern and technological nation. To achieve these goals, I will use three key concepts: territorial appropriation, circulation, and globalization. Sources include statistics of railway operation and previous works analyzing the impact of railways on the Portuguese transport system and economy, the outcomes of operating transnational lines, and the importance of technology for the reinvention of Portugal during the second half of the nineteenth century.


拨款、整合与国家建设:19 世纪下半叶和 20 世纪初期的葡萄牙铁路

1850 年,在经历了三十年的政治动荡之后,葡萄牙开始投资重大公共工程,特别是建设国家铁路网。这一战略密切遵循了自 1820 年代以来葡萄牙工程师一直与之接触的圣西蒙尼技术官僚的建议。此外,它是为了应对葡萄牙交通系统长期受到忽视,阻碍了王国不同地区以及与邻国西班牙之间的通信和贸易。投资的主要目标是使国家交通系统现代化,将欧洲、非洲和美洲之间的大部分交通吸引到葡萄牙港口,总的来说,使国家走上进步. 到十九世纪末,葡萄牙铁路网的总里程已超过 2,300 公里。本文分析了铁路在改善葡萄牙各省之间的通信方面的作用、铁路在统一的民族国家中的占有、葡萄牙经济与西班牙和欧洲经济的融合程度,以及葡萄牙作为一个国家的建设/重塑。现代科技国家。为了实现这些目标,我将使用三个关键概念:领土占有、流通和全球化。资料来源包括铁路运营统计数据和以前分析铁路对葡萄牙交通系统和经济的影响的工作,运营跨国线路的成果,