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Eucyon khoikhoi sp. nov. (Carnivora: Canidae) from Langebaanweg ‘E’ Quarry (early Pliocene, South Africa): the most complete African canini from the Mio-Pliocene
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab022
Alberto Valenciano 1, 2, 3 , Jorge Morales 4 , Romala Govender 1, 2

A new medium-sized canid, Eucyon khoikhoi sp. nov., is described from the early Pliocene site of Langebaanweg ‘E’ Quarry (South Africa). It possesses a robust dentition with large upper- and lower-second molars, an m1 talonid without a transverse cristid between the entoconid and the hypoconid, and a well-developed hypoconulid shelf. Our cladistic analysis of the earliest better-known African canini, places E. khoikhoi as the most basal taxon of an African clade composed of E. wokari, ?Nyctereutes barryi, ?Schaeffia mohibi and Schaeffia adusta (living side-striped jackal). We suggest an alternative arrangement for the poorly known East African E. intrepidus from the Late Miocene and E. kuta from the Middle Pliocene. Eucyon intrepidus could belong to the same clade as E. khoikhoi, unlike E. kuta, whose dentition suggests a closer relation with the Lupulella group. Thus, these results support the paraphyly of Eucyon, demonstrating the need for an in-depth review of the genus. Eucyon khoikhoi has a body mass comparable to E. kuta and the European E. debonisi and E. monticinensis. We conclude that E. khoikhoi may have had a comparable role in the ecosystem to the extant hypocarnivorous S. adusta.


Eucyon khoikhoi sp。十一月 (Carnivora:Canidae)来自 Langebaanweg 'E' Quarry(上新世早期,南非):来自 Mio-Pliocene 的最完整的非洲犬科动物

一种新的中型犬科动物,Eucyon khoikhoi sp。11 月 1 日,描述于上新世早期的 Langebaanweg 'E' 采石场(南非)。它具有坚固的牙列,具有较大的上下第二磨牙,m1 距骨,在内圆锥和下圆锥之间没有横向嵴,以及发育良好的下圆锥架。我们对最早更为人所知的非洲犬科动物的分支分析,将 E. khoikhoi 列为由 E. wokari、?Nyctereutes barryi、?Schaeffia mohibi 和 Schaeffia adusta(生活侧条纹豺)组成的非洲进化枝的最基础分类群。我们建议对来自晚中新世的鲜为人知的东非 E. intrepidus 和来自中上新世的 E. kuta 进行替代安排。Eucyon intrepidus 可能与 E. khoikhoi 属于同一进化枝,与 E. kuta 不同,其牙列表明与 Lupulella 组的关系更密切。因此,这些结果支持 Eucyon 的副系,表明需要对该属进行深入审查。Eucyon khoikhoi 的体重可与 E. kuta 和欧洲的 E. debonisi 和 E. monticinensis 相媲美。我们得出结论,E. khoikhoi 在生态系统中的作用可能与现存的亚食肉性 S. adusta 相当。