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Petrophysical and petrographic characteristics of Barail Sandstone of the Surma Basin, Bangladesh
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s13202-021-01196-0
Md Shofiqul Islam , Md Hasibul Hasan Shijan , Md Samin Saif , Pradip Kumar Biswas , Muhammad Omar Faruk

The Barail sandstone in the Surma Basin is a medium- to coarse-grained pinkish-colored rock exposed near the northeastern margin of Bangladesh. In this study, we evaluated the reservoir quality of the Barail sandstone based on its petrophysical and petrographic characteristics. Petrophysical analyses of outcropped samples showed that sandstones are made up of 16.48% porosity and 132.48 mD permeability. Sandstone density ranges from 1.94 g/cm3 to 2.37 g/cm3, with a mean value of 2.12 g/cm3, shown as moderately compacted sandstone. Integrated data such as bulk density, porosity, permeability, Rock Quality Index (RQI), Normalized Porosity Index (NPI), Flow Zone Indicator (FZI), compressive strength, etc. with their relationships indicate that Barail sandstone owing characters to become a good petroleum reservoir. The rock samples consisted mainly of quartz with an insignificant amount of rock fragments and plagioclase feldspar and are categorized as sub-arkose to sub-litharenite. The rock samples also contains lithic (andesine, microcline, muscovite, biotite, etc.) of granitic and gneissic fabric and some volcanic product like aguite, albite, andesine, garnet, spinel and ulvo-spinel indicating the source of nearby orogeny. The euhedral to subhedral shape of the quartz grain in a porphyritic texture, moderately sorted with a smaller amount of clay minerals indicating the moderately mature rock type. The iron oxide border around the quartz grain also indicates that the Barail sandstone was deposited under dry climatic condition.


孟加拉国苏尔马盆地 Barail 砂岩的岩石物理和岩相特征

Surma 盆地的 Barail 砂岩是一种中至粗粒粉红色岩石,出露在孟加拉国东北缘附近。在本研究中,我们根据岩石物理和岩石学特征评估了 Barail 砂岩的储层质量。露头样品的岩石物理分析表明,砂岩由 16.48% 的孔隙度和 132.48 mD 的渗透率组成。砂岩密度在 1.94 g/cm3 到 2.37 g/cm3 之间,平均值为 2.12 g/cm3,表现为中等压实的砂岩。容重、孔隙度、渗透率、岩石质量指数(RQI)、归一化孔隙度指数(NPI)、流带指标(FZI)、抗压强度等综合数据及其相互关系表明,Barail砂岩由于性状成为良好石油储层。岩石样品主要由石英、少量岩石碎片和斜长石组成,被归类为亚长石至亚斜长石。岩石样品还包含花岗岩和片麻岩结构的岩屑(中长山、微斜长岩、白云母、黑云母等)和一些火山产物,如 aguite、钠长石、中长石、石榴石、尖晶石和 ulvo-尖晶石,表明附近造山运动的来源。石英颗粒呈自形至半自形,呈斑状结构,中度分选,含少量粘土矿物,表明为中度成熟的岩石类型。石英颗粒周围的氧化铁边界也表明 Barail 砂岩是在干燥气候条件下沉积的。岩石样品还包含花岗岩和片麻岩结构的岩屑(中长山、微斜长岩、白云母、黑云母等)和一些火山产物,如 aguite、钠长石、中长石、石榴石、尖晶石和 ulvo-尖晶石,表明附近造山运动的来源。石英颗粒呈自形至半自形,呈斑状结构,中度分选,含少量粘土矿物,表明为中度成熟的岩石类型。石英颗粒周围的氧化铁边界也表明 Barail 砂岩是在干燥气候条件下沉积的。岩石样品还包含花岗岩和片麻岩结构的岩屑(中长山、微斜长岩、白云母、黑云母等)和一些火山产物,如 aguite、钠长石、中长石、石榴石、尖晶石和 ulvo-尖晶石,表明附近造山运动的来源。石英颗粒呈自形至半自形,呈斑状结构,中度分选,含少量粘土矿物,表明为中度成熟的岩石类型。石英颗粒周围的氧化铁边界也表明 Barail 砂岩是在干燥气候条件下沉积的。石英颗粒呈自形至半自形,呈斑状结构,中度分选,含少量粘土矿物,表明为中度成熟的岩石类型。石英颗粒周围的氧化铁边界也表明 Barail 砂岩是在干燥气候条件下沉积的。石英颗粒呈自形至半自形,呈斑状结构,中度分选,含少量粘土矿物,表明为中度成熟的岩石类型。石英颗粒周围的氧化铁边界也表明 Barail 砂岩是在干燥气候条件下沉积的。
