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The phantoms of the opera—Stress offstage and stress onstage
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-31 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356211013504
Anja-Xiaoxing Cui 1 , Negin Motamed Yeganeh 1 , Olga Sviatchenko 1 , Thea Leavitt 1 , Taylor McKee 1 , Christina Guthier 2 , Nancy Hermiston 1 , Lara Boyd 1

During opera performance singers deliver vocally demanding roles, follow a conductor, portray emotions of a musical work, act, dance, and engage with costumes, sets and props before an audience. Hence, opera performance is a stressful experience. This study examined different types of stress experiences by measuring the trajectories of 10 opera trainees’ heart rate variability (HRV) during two performances, covering onstage and offstage periods. We explored connections between HRV, self-reported stress measures, and expert-rated difficulty of the performed roles. We discovered that opera trainees had lower HRV and thus experienced greater physiological stress, while onstage compared to offstage periods. In contrast, when asked about performance specific stress, opera trainees self-reported that they felt more nervous when they were offstage. This disconnect between physiological measurement and psychological self-assessment suggests that there are two relevant types of stress for opera performance: psychological stress, which is felt more keenly offstage, and physiological stress, which is greater onstage. Patterns of association between HRV and self-reported measures suggest that HRV is linked to general (not performance-specific) stress. Patterns between self-reported measures suggest that music performance anxiety relates to trait anxiety. Our results indicate specific targets for possible interventions for stress management in opera singers.



在歌剧表演中,歌手扮演声乐要求很高的角色,跟随指挥,描绘音乐作品的情感,表演,舞蹈,并在观众面前穿上服装、布景和道具。因此,歌剧表演是一种紧张的体验。本研究通过测量 10 名歌剧学员在两场表演中的心率变异性 (HRV) 轨迹来检验不同类型的压力体验,涵盖台上和台下时段。我们探讨了 HRV、自我报告的压力测量和所扮演角色的专家级难度之间的联系。我们发现,与台下相比,歌剧学员在舞台上的 HRV 较低,因此会承受更大的生理压力。相比之下,当被问及表演特定压力时,歌剧学员自我报告说,他们在台下时会感到更紧张。生理测量和心理自我评估之间的这种脱节表明,歌剧表演有两种相关的压力类型:心理压力,在台下感觉更强烈,生理压力,在舞台上感觉更强烈。HRV 与自我报告测量之间的关联模式表明 HRV 与一般(非绩效特定)压力有关。自我报告测量之间的模式表明音乐表演焦虑与特质焦虑有关。我们的结果表明了歌剧歌手压力管理可能干预措施的具体目标。这在舞台上更大。HRV 与自我报告测量之间的关联模式表明 HRV 与一般(非绩效特定)压力有关。自我报告测量之间的模式表明音乐表演焦虑与特质焦虑有关。我们的结果表明了歌剧歌手压力管理可能干预措施的具体目标。这在舞台上更大。HRV 与自我报告测量之间的关联模式表明 HRV 与一般(非绩效特定)压力有关。自我报告测量之间的模式表明音乐表演焦虑与特质焦虑有关。我们的结果表明了歌剧歌手压力管理可能干预措施的具体目标。
