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Changes in Grauer's gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri) and other primate populations in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park and Oku Community Reserve, the heart of Grauer's gorilla global range
American Journal of Primatology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-31 , DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23288
Andrew J Plumptre 1, 2 , Andrew Kirkby 2 , Charlotte Spira 2 , Jeannot Kivono 2 , Guillain Mitamba 2 , Erasme Ngoy 3 , Radar Nishuli 4 , Samantha Strindberg 2 , Fiona Maisels 2, 5 , Steeves Buckland 2 , Lucy Ormsby 2 , Deo Kujirakwinja 2

Grauer's gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) have declined drastically across their range in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Survey data analysed in 2016 estimated a 77% decline in numbers between the mid- 1990s and 2016 and predicted that Kahuzi-Biega National Park (KBNP), and the contiguous Oku Community Reserve (OCR) held much of the global population. An estimate of 3800 Grauer's gorillas was made across its range at that time. Here, we publish the most extensive survey of Grauer's gorilla numbers to date, using nest counts from 230 line transects across KBNP and OCR to derive more accurate estimates of both gorilla and chimpanzee numbers. Gorilla numbers were estimated from line transects at 1,571 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 824–2,993) within KBNP and at 2,244 (95% CI: 1,471–3,422) in OCR. Eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) numbers were estimated at 2,500 (95% CI: 1,804–3,462) in KBNP and 687 (95% CI: 472–999) in OCR. Estimates of total numbers for the survey area were 5,252 (95% CI: 3,687–7,481) Grauer's gorillas and 4,275 (95% CI: 3,322–5,502) eastern chimpanzees. Chimpanzee numbers were not significantly different from the estimates in the mid-1990s but the gorillas had significantly declined, mostly in KBNP. Modeled densities of these apes indicated that distances to mines, villages, or roads significantly explained part of the distribution of these apes, with higher densities also found in more rugged and remote sites. Other primates have all declined in this region, likely due to bushmeat hunting, especially the Endangered Ulindi River Red Colobus Piliocolobus lulindicus. These results confirm the negative impact of insecurity on Grauer's gorilla but indicate that the population declines may not be as great as previously feared. Using our revised gorilla density estimate we revise the original estimate of global numbers from 3,800 to 6,800 individuals.


格劳尔大猩猩 (Gorilla beringei graueri) 和卡胡兹-别加国家公园和奥库社区保护区内其他灵长类动物种群的变化,这是格劳尔大猩猩全球范围的核心

格劳尔的大猩猩 ( Gorilla beringei graueri) 在刚果民主共和国东部 (DRC) 的分布范围内急剧下降。2016 年分析的调查数据估计,从 1990 年代中期到 2016 年,人口数量下降了 77%,并预测卡胡兹-别加国家公园 (KBNP) 和毗邻的奥库社区保护区 (OCR) 拥有全球大部分人口。当时估计在其范围内有 3800 只格劳尔大猩猩。在这里,我们发布了迄今为止最广泛的格劳尔大猩猩数量调查,使用来自 KBNP 和 OCR 的 230 条线断面的巢穴计数来推导出对大猩猩和黑猩猩数量的更准确估计。从 KBNP 中的 1,571(95% 置信区间 [CI]:824-2,993)和 OCR 中的 2,244(95% CI:1,471-3,422)的横断面估计大猩猩数量。东部黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) 数在 KBNP 中估计为 2,500 (95% CI: 1,804–3,462),在 OCR 中为 687 (95% CI: 472–999)。调查区域的总数估计为 5,252 (95% CI: 3,687–7,481) 格劳尔大猩猩和 4,275 (95% CI: 3,322–5,502) 东部黑猩猩。黑猩猩的数量与 1990 年代中期的估计没有显着差异,但大猩猩的数量显着减少,主要是在 KBNP。这些猿的模型密度表明,到矿井、村庄或道路的距离显着解释了这些猿的部分分布,在更崎岖和偏远的地点也发现了更高的密度。该地区的其他灵长类动物均已减少,这可能是由于狩猎丛林肉,尤其是濒临灭绝的乌林迪河红疣猴 Piliocolobus lulindicus. 这些结果证实了不安全感对格劳尔大猩猩的负面影响,但表明种群数量下降可能没有之前担心的那么大。使用我们修改后的大猩猩密度估计,我们将全球数量的原始估计从 3,800 修改为 6,800 只。