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Opportunities and impediments for use of local data in the management of salmon fisheries
Ecology and Society ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-31 , DOI: 10.5751/es-12117-260226
Sarah C. Inman , Janessa Esquible , Michael L. Jones , William R. Bechtol , Brendan Connors

Data availability challenges the management of small-scale fisheries in large river basins. One way to circumvent the challenges of data collection is to rely on local stakeholders who are well-positioned to collect data that can inform management through community-based monitoring (CBM). Although science and management has increasingly considered opportunities for community involvement in scientific research, the efficacy of these programs are rarely assessed. We describe a current CBM initiative in the Kuskokwim River Basin of western Alaska. We then explore how existing approaches for incorporating local involvement in fisheries research and management measure against claims made by CBM programs to understand pathways for data utility for decision makers and approaches to capacity building and meaningful engagement of local citizens. We identify major gaps in the CBM literature and explore one of these gaps through an interview-based study of public participation in the Kuskokwim. We find that the CBM program intent to collect high quality data was complemented by increasing trust in data stewards. Ultimately, through our interview findings we illustrate how definitions of local engagement differ, how CBM data is used by decision makers, and how trust in data is dependent on trust in data stewards and the infrastructure that supports that stewardship.



数据可用性对大型河流流域的小规模渔业管理构成挑战。规避数据收集挑战的一种方法是依靠当地利益相关者,他们有能力收集可以通过社区监测 (CBM) 为管理提供信息的数据。尽管科学和管理越来越多地考虑社区参与科学研究的机会,但很少评估这些计划的有效性。我们描述了阿拉斯加西部 Kuskokwim 河流域当前的 CBM 计划。然后,我们探讨了现有方法如何将地方参与渔业研究和管理措施与 CBM 计划提出的要求相结合,以了解决策者的数据效用途径以及能力建设和当地公民有意义的参与的方法。我们确定了 CBM 文献中的主要差距,并通过基于访谈的 Kuskokwim 公众参与研究探索其中一个差距。我们发现 CBM 计划旨在收集高质量数据,这得到了对数据管理员越来越信任的补充。最后,通过我们的访谈结果,我们说明了本地参与的定义有何不同,决策者如何使用 CBM 数据,以及对数据的信任如何依赖于对数据管理员和支持该管理的基础设施的信任。