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Economic model for evaluating the value creation through information sharing within the cybersecurity information sharing ecosystem
Future Generation Computer Systems ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2021.05.033
Zahid Rashid , Umara Noor , Jörn Altmann

Based on a comprehensive literature survey, the constructs of the cybersecurity information sharing ecosystem have been defined in detail. Using this ecosystem, the interrelationships among the stakeholders with respect to cybersecurity information sharing are analyzed, the value parameters are determined, the value functions are defined, and the values obtained by the stakeholders through simulation are calculated. Furthermore, it is investigated whether the stakeholders involved in this ecosystem can create sufficient value to sustain in the market. The outcome of this research includes an economic model for evaluating the value creation and distribution among the stakeholders. This model is a critical step forward to better align the values (i.e., utilities and profits) of stakeholders. The simulation results of the model show that end users are the main source of value generation. Cybersecurity solution providers and cybersecurity information providers get benefits from a growing installed base of end users. However, in saturated markets, there is a risk of un-sustainability of the ecosystem, as the cost of cybersecurity solutions and cybersecurity information cannot be recovered through their fees. The simulation model and the findings of this study can help business managers to make better decisions related to business strategies, sustainability, and pricing schemes for cybersecurity solution and cybersecurity information. Moreover, a working cybersecurity information sharing ecosystem is essential for the adoption of cloud computing and, especially, edge computing. It allows capturing, disseminating, and aggregating cybersecurity information from a large number of computing devices and computing providers reliably and accurately.



