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Validating the personal accountability measure for Turkish teachers
The Educational and Developmental Psychologist ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-30 , DOI: 10.1080/20590776.2020.1860650
Coşkun Erdağ 1


Objective: Although there is an emerging worldwide interest in understanding teacher accountability as a subjective reality, tools to measure this concept are not available in many countries. For this reason, this study aims to test the validity of using the Turkish version of the Personal Accountability Measure (PAM) on the Turkish K12 teacher population.

Method: The entire dataset (n = 643) was randomly splitted into three subsets, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted on Group 1 (n = 221), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA1) on Group 2 (n = 212), and a new CFA analysis for cross-validation on Group 3 (n = 210).

Findings: These analysis validated the Turkish version as a two-factor/12-item structure, partially inconsistent with the English version. The subsequent analysis for internal consistency reliability, convergence, and discriminant validity provided adequate support for the valid use of the scale in measuring accountability dispositions for Turkish K12 teachers.

Conclusion: The PAM-TR-12 can help educational psychologists and school leaders better assess and understand teacher accountability as subjective reality and develop interventions to improve teacher motivation, professional capacity, and well-being, thereby promoting a high quality school learning environment.




目标:尽管全世界对将教师问责制理解为主观现实的兴趣日益浓厚,但许多国家并没有衡量这一概念的工具。出于这个原因,本研究旨在测试在土耳其 K12 教师群体中使用土耳其版个人责任衡量标准 (PAM) 的有效性。

方法:将整个数据集(n = 643)随机分成三个子集,对第 1 组(n = 221)进行探索性因子分析(EFA),对第 2 组(n = 212)进行验证性因子分析(CFA1),以及对第 3 组(n = 210)进行交叉验证的新 CFA 分析。

结果:这些分析证实土耳其语版本为双因素/12 项结构,与英文版本部分不一致。随后对内部一致性信度、收敛性和区分效度的分析为有效使用该量表来衡量土耳其 K12 教师的责任倾向提供了充分的支持。

结论: PAM-TR-12 可以帮助教育心理学家和学校领导更好地评估和理解作为主观现实的教师问责制,并制定干预措施以提高教师的积极性、专业能力和幸福感,从而促进高质量的学校学习环境。
