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A Banach contraction principle in fuzzy metric spaces defined by means of t-conorms
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s13398-021-01068-6
Valentín Gregori , Juan-José Miñana

Fixed point theory in fuzzy metric spaces has grown to become an intensive field of research. The difficulty of demonstrating a fixed point theorem in such kind of spaces makes the authors to demand extra conditions on the space other than completeness. In this paper, we introduce a new version of the celebrated Banach contracion principle in the context of fuzzy metric spaces. It is defined by means of t-conorms and constitutes an adaptation to the fuzzy context of the mentioned contracion principle more “faithful” than the ones already defined in the literature. In addition, such a notion allows us to prove a fixed point theorem without requiring any additional condition on the space apart from completeness. Our main result (Theorem 1) generalizes another one proved by Castro-Company and Tirado. Besides, the celebrated Banach fixed point theorem is obtained as a corollary of Theorem 1.


通过 t-conorms 定义的模糊度量空间中的 Banach 收缩原理

模糊度量空间中的不动点理论已经发展成为一个密集的研究领域。在这种空间中证明不动点定理的难度使得作者对空间要求除了完备性之外的额外条件。在本文中,我们在模糊度量空间的背景下介绍了著名的Banach矛盾原理的新版本。它是通过t定义的-conorms 并构成对上述收缩原理的模糊上下文的适应,比文献中已经定义的更“忠实”。此外,这样的概念允许我们证明不动点定理,除了完备性之外,不需要任何额外的空间条件。我们的主要结果(定理 1)概括了 Castro-Company 和 Tirado 证明的另一个结果。此外,著名的巴拿赫不动点定理是作为定理 1 的推论得到的。
