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Chronicling medical progress: W. E. Henley, Joseph Lister, and recovery
Journal of Poetry Therapy ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-29 , DOI: 10.1080/08893675.2021.1921476
Karen Alkalay-Gut 1


While Dr. Joseph Lister was beginning to implement his practices of sterile surgery and antiseptic treatment, William Ernest Henley, the poet who would become the model for Long John Silver, was fighting to retain his remaining leg from amputation under Lister’s care, and encouraging his recovery by writing poetry. The poems he wrote both describe the practices of Lister, and are influenced by Lister’s methodology of observation, clarification, and rational conclusions. At a time when surgery was still drama practiced in a theater, and poetry was distanced from reality by romantic and post romantic conventions, this influence is extremely significant. Henley’s work, although sometimes well-known, has been largely excluded from the canon of Victorian Poetry because of the little-understood direction they took. The description and imitation of Lister’s technique, and its methodological and spiritual influence on Henley is the subject of this examination.


记录医学进展:WE Henley、Joseph Lister 和康复


当约瑟夫·李斯特博士开始实施他的无菌手术和消毒治疗实践时,威廉·欧内斯特·亨利,这位后来成为朗·约翰·西尔弗 (Long John Silver) 模特的诗人,在李斯特的照顾下,正在努力保住截肢的剩余腿,并鼓励他的通过写诗恢复。他写的诗既描述了李斯特的实践,又受到李斯特观察、澄清和理性结论方法论的影响。在手术仍然是在剧院里演戏,诗歌与现实被浪漫和后浪漫习俗拉开距离的时代,这种影响是极其重要的。亨利的作品虽然有时广为人知,但由于他们采取的方向鲜为人知,因此在很大程度上被排除在维多利亚时代诗歌的经典之外。
