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Neonatal resource scarcity alters maternal care and impacts offspring core temperature and growth in rats
Developmental Psychobiology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-30 , DOI: 10.1002/dev.22144
Elizabeth A Shupe 1 , Sarah M Clinton 1

Stressful experiences during childhood, including poverty and inconsistent parental care, can enhance vulnerability for worsened physical and mental health outcomes in adulthood. Using Sprague Dawley rats, the present study explored the impact of limited resource availability on maternal behavior and physiological and emotional behavior outcomes in the offspring. Early life adversity was induced by incorporating aspects of the limited bedding and nesting and scarcity models, wherein limited resource availability has previously been shown to provoke unpredictable or adverse maternal care respectively. In our hands, neonatal limited bedding (NLB) stress during postnatal days (P)2–9 altered maternal care, augmenting pup-directed behaviors and reducing self-directed behaviors, and modestly increased the frequency of transitions between discrete behaviors across consecutive timed observations. NLB-exposed pups had lower core body temperatures immediately following the stressful manipulation and exhibited decreased body weight gain across development. However, NLB exposure did not impact adult offspring's social or emotional behavior outcomes in the three-chamber social interaction, novelty-suppressed feeding, splash, or forced swim tests. These findings add to the literature demonstrating that early life adversity impacts maternal care in rodents and can disrupt certain metabolic and thermoregulatory outcomes in the offspring.



童年时期的压力经历,包括贫困和父母照顾不周,可能会增加成年后身体和心理健康状况恶化的脆弱性。使用 Sprague Dawley 大鼠,本研究探讨了有限的资源可用性对后代的母体行为以及生理和情绪行为结果的影响。早期生活逆境是通过结合有限的床上用品和嵌套和稀缺模型的方面引起的,其中有限的资源可用性先前已被证明会分别引发不可预测或不利的孕产妇护理。在我们的手中,新生儿在产后日(P)2-9 期间的有限床上用品(NLB)压力改变了产妇护理,增加了幼犬导向的行为并减少了自我导向的行为,并适度增加了连续定时观察中离散行为之间的转换频率。NLB 暴露的幼崽在压力操作后立即具有较低的核心体温,并且在发育过程中体重增加减少。然而,NLB 暴露并未影响成年后代在三室社交互动、抑制新奇的喂养、飞溅或强迫游泳测试中的社交或情感行为结果。这些发现增加了文献证明,早期生活逆境会影响啮齿动物的母体护理,并可能破坏后代的某些代谢和体温调节结果。NLB 暴露的幼崽在压力操作后立即具有较低的核心体温,并且在发育过程中体重增加减少。然而,NLB 暴露并未影响成年后代在三室社交互动、抑制新奇的喂养、飞溅或强迫游泳测试中的社交或情感行为结果。这些发现增加了文献证明,早期生活逆境会影响啮齿动物的母体护理,并可能破坏后代的某些代谢和体温调节结果。NLB 暴露的幼崽在压力操作后立即具有较低的核心体温,并且在发育过程中体重增加减少。然而,NLB 暴露并未影响成年后代在三室社交互动、抑制新奇的喂养、飞溅或强迫游泳测试中的社交或情感行为结果。这些发现增加了文献证明,早期生活逆境会影响啮齿动物的母体护理,并可能破坏后代的某些代谢和体温调节结果。