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Measuring the Efficacy of a Club Sports New Participant Orientation
Recreational Sports Journal ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-28 , DOI: 10.1177/15588661211016437
Leon Lifschutz 1

This study examines the impact of the University of Vermont Club Sports’ recently implemented new participant orientation. Using program evaluation theory and a survey instrument, this study measured the efficacy of the new program. A survey was designed and sent to all 312 participants with a response rate of 23%. Descriptive statistics from the instrument indicate strong efficacy for participants who completed the program with all outcome measures reporting moderate to considerable growth. T-tests and ANOVAs, in most instances, indicate similar efficacy of outcomes among different groups of respondents. However, statistically significant differences exist based on individual or team gender on three specific outcome measures. Results of this study suggest value in the implementation of the club sports new participant orientation while identifying groups where additional attention may be needed through adjustments to the curriculum or additional outreach strategies.



这项研究考察了佛蒙特大学体育俱乐部最近实施的新参与者定位的影响。本研究使用项目评估理论和调查工具来衡量新项目的有效性。设计了一项调查并发送给所有 312 名参与者,响应率为 23%。该工具的描述性统计数据表明,对于完成该计划的参与者来说,所有结果指标都报告了中度到可观的增长,具有很强的效果。- 检验和方差分析在大多数情况下表明不同受访者群体之间的结果效果相似。然而,根据个人或团队的性别,在三个特定结果指标上存在统计学显着差异。这项研究的结果表明,在通过调整课程或额外的外展策略来确定可能需要额外关注的群体的同时,实施俱乐部体育新参与者定位的价值。
