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Effect of Triton X-100 on the wheat and lettuce growth and contaminant absorption
Applied Biological Chemistry ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-27 , DOI: 10.1186/s13765-021-00615-4
Sora Shin , Eun Hea Jho , Han Sol Park

This study was set to study the effects of surfactants on crops using Triton X-100, one of widely used surfactants for various purposes including agricultural uses, as a target surfactant. The effects of Triton X-100 on the growth of wheat and lettuce were studied and the germination and shoot growth of wheat were not significantly affected by Triton X-100. With lettuce, the increasing Triton X-100 concentrations tend to negatively affect the growth, possibly due to the absorption of Triton X-100 by lettuce. The average lettuce fresh mass was reduced by 31% when Triton X-100 concentration increased from 0 to 240 mg L−1. This may mean that chemicals dissolved or mobilized by Triton X-100 can be absorbed by lettuce. The Cd mobilization was facilitated with Triton X-100, and the absorption of procymidone in soil by lettuce was greater when Triton X-100 was applied (i.e., 0.18 mg kg−1) than when water was applied (i.e., 0.15 mg kg−1), although they were statistically not different (p-value > 0.05). The average lettuce masses in the presence of residual procymidone in soil and Triton X-100 (16 g) were lower than that of the control soils (20 g), although they were statistically not different (p-value > 0.05). The results suggest that surfactants contained in pesticide formulations can potentially affect crop growth and absorption of other contaminants. Therefore, the residual surfactants and active ingredients in pesticide formulations need to be properly managed to protect the environment and to produce crops free of contaminants.


Triton X-100对小麦和生菜生长及污染物吸收的影响

本研究旨在研究表面活性剂对作物的影响,使用 Triton X-100 作为目标表面活性剂,Triton X-100 是一种广泛用于各种用途(包括农业用途)的表面活性剂。研究了Triton X-100对小麦和生菜生长的影响,Triton X-100对小麦的发芽和芽生长没有显着影响。对于生菜,Triton X-100 浓度的增加往往会对生长产生负面影响,这可能是由于生菜吸收了 Triton X-100。当 Triton X-100 浓度从 0 增加到 240 mg L-1 时,生菜的平均新鲜质量减少了 31%。这可能意味着 Triton X-100 溶解或动员的化学物质可以被生菜吸收。Triton X-100 促进了 Cd 的动员,施用 Triton X-100(即 0.18 mg kg-1)时生菜对腐霉利在土壤中的吸收量大于施用水时(即 0.15 mg kg-1),尽管它们在统计上没有差异(p -值 > 0.05)。在土壤和 Triton X-100 (16 g) 中存在残留腐霉利的生菜平均质量低于对照土壤 (20 g),尽管它们在统计上没有差异(p 值 > 0.05)。结果表明,农药制剂中含有的表面活性剂可能会影响作物生长和其他污染物的吸收。因此,需要妥善管理农药制剂中残留的表面活性剂和活性成分,以保护环境并生产无污染物的作物。15 mg kg−1),尽管它们在统计上没有差异(p 值 > 0.05)。在土壤和 Triton X-100 (16 g) 中存在残留腐霉利的生菜平均质量低于对照土壤 (20 g),尽管它们在统计上没有差异(p 值 > 0.05)。结果表明,农药制剂中含有的表面活性剂可能会影响作物生长和其他污染物的吸收。因此,需要妥善管理农药制剂中残留的表面活性剂和活性成分,以保护环境并生产无污染物的作物。15 mg kg−1),尽管它们在统计上没有差异(p 值 > 0.05)。在土壤和 Triton X-100 (16 g) 中存在残留腐霉利的生菜平均质量低于对照土壤 (20 g),尽管它们在统计上没有差异(p 值 > 0.05)。结果表明,农药制剂中含有的表面活性剂可能会影响作物生长和其他污染物的吸收。因此,需要妥善管理农药制剂中残留的表面活性剂和活性成分,以保护环境并生产无污染物的作物。尽管它们在统计上没有差异(p 值 > 0.05)。结果表明,农药制剂中含有的表面活性剂可能会影响作物生长和其他污染物的吸收。因此,需要妥善管理农药制剂中残留的表面活性剂和活性成分,以保护环境并生产无污染物的作物。尽管它们在统计上没有差异(p 值 > 0.05)。结果表明,农药制剂中含有的表面活性剂可能会影响作物生长和其他污染物的吸收。因此,需要妥善管理农药制剂中残留的表面活性剂和活性成分,以保护环境并生产无污染物的作物。