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The Anatomy of Impatience: Exploring Factors behind 2020 Labor Unrest in Belarus
Slavic Review ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-28 , DOI: 10.1017/slr.2021.26
Volodymyr Artiukh

The wave of labor unrest that accompanied Belarusian post-election protests had no precedents in the country's independent history or recent post-Soviet political protest mobilizations. These protests challenge the prevalent trend in the current literature on the post-Soviet working class to stress its weakness in terms of organization, as well as structural and material resources. This article relies on a database of workplace-related protest events (August 10–September 30) and a selection of statements, interviews, and social media discussions among participants of the protests, in order to explain this unexpected activation of the seemingly passive Belarusian working class. The author hypothesizes that it was the vagueness of the Belarusian opposition's ideology and workers’ participation in the broader protest movement that helped them overcome the challenges of suppressed voice, bureaucratic despotism, and atomization. These mobilizing factors, however, limit the further development of autonomous labor organizations and their democratizing impact.


不耐烦的剖析:探索 2020 年白俄罗斯劳工骚乱背后的因素

伴随白俄罗斯选举后抗议的劳工骚乱浪潮在该国独立历史或最近的后苏联政治抗议动员中没有先例。这些抗议挑战了当前关于后苏联工人阶级的文献中的普遍趋势,强调其在组织、结构和物质资源方面的弱点。本文依靠与工作场所相关的抗议事件数据库(8 月 10 日至 9 月 30 日)以及抗议参与者之间的一系列声明、采访和社交媒体讨论,来解释这种看似被动的白俄罗斯工作的意外激活班级。作者假设这是白俄罗斯反对派的含糊不清' 的意识形态和工人参与更广泛的抗议运动,帮助他们克服了压制声音、官僚专制和原子化的挑战。然而,这些动员因素限制了自治劳工组织的进一步发展及其民主化影响。