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Voices of Nagasaki after 75 Years
Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-28 , DOI: 10.1080/25751654.2021.1902121
Masao Tomonaga 1


Soon after the second atomic bombing in 1945, hibakusha in Nagasaki saw the dawn of the Cold War, along with the Soviet Union’s possession of atomic bombs. The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 created a real fear of nuclear war capable of destroying all of humanity. The Partial Test Ban Treaty in 1963 and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1968 were a good sign of hope. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, signed in 1987, also succeeded in reducing nuclear warheads in the 1990s. However, we have also seen nuclear deterrence strategies of the nuclear powers firmly established. The Cold War ended in 1989, but its nuclear deterrence policies have persisted. Unfortunately, the NPT regime has gradually begun to weaken since 2010. Hibakusha and nongovernmental organizations such as the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons have stood firmly in strong solidarity and in 2017, succeeded in establishing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which entered into force on 22 January 2021. Even now, hibakusha continue to suffer lifelong radiation-induced cancers and leukemia. Hibakusha must face a new stage in the abolition of nuclear weapons under a dangerous divide between NPT supporters and TPNW promoters. To overcome this divide, we need to increase the power of civil society around the world.




1945 年第二次原子弹爆炸后不久,长崎的火爆社看到了冷战的曙光,伴随着苏联拥有原子弹。1962 年的古巴导弹危机引发了对能够毁灭全人类的核战争的真正恐惧。1963年的《部分禁试条约》和1968年的《核不扩散条约》(NPT)是希望的好兆头。1987 年签署的《中程核力量条约》也在 1990 年代成功地减少了核弹头。但是,我们也看到核大国的核威慑战略已经牢固确立。冷战于 1989 年结束,但其核威慑政策一直存在。不幸的是,自 2010 年以来,NPT 制度逐渐开始削弱。Hibakusha 和国际废除核武器运动等非政府组织坚定地团结一致,并于 2017 年成功制定了《禁止核武器条约》(TPNW),该条约于 2021 年 1 月 22 日生效。 即使是现在,火爆者继续终生遭受辐射诱发的癌症和白血病的折磨。在 NPT 支持者和 TPNW 推动者之间存在危险分歧的情况下,Hibakusha 必须面对废除核武器的新阶段。为了克服这一鸿沟,我们需要增强世界各地公民社会的力量。hibakusha继续遭受终身辐射诱发的癌症和白血病的折磨。在 NPT 支持者和 TPNW 推动者之间存在危险分歧的情况下,Hibakusha 必须面对废除核武器的新阶段。为了克服这种鸿沟,我们需要增强世界各地民间社会的力量。火爆者继续终生遭受辐射诱发的癌症和白血病的折磨。在 NPT 支持者和 TPNW 推动者之间存在危险分歧的情况下,Hibakusha 必须面对废除核武器的新阶段。为了克服这一鸿沟,我们需要增强世界各地公民社会的力量。
