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Motherhood on display: The child welfare exhibition in colonial Calcutta, 1920
The Indian Economic & Social History Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.1177/0019464621999308
Ranjana Saha 1

This article focuses on the Health and Child Welfare Exhibition held in colonial Calcutta in 1920. Despite a few scholarly references, however, there has been no detailed study till date. The vicereines of India launched child welfare exhibitions motivated by the transnational exhibitory baby health week propaganda initiative to curb infant mortality. These exhibitions were also locally organised and collaborative in nature with an urgent nationalist appeal. The study critically engages with select Exhibition lectures about so-called ‘clean’ midwifery and ‘scientific’ motherhood given by famous Bengali medical practitioners and other prominent professionals, predominantly men and a few women. These drew intimate sociobiological connections between the problems of ‘dirty’ midwifery, ritual pollution, improper confinement, insanitary childbirth, insufficient lactation and the excessive maternal and infant deaths in Calcutta. The central argument is that these public lectures primarily focused on the very making of the ‘ideal’ Indian nursing mother, often imagined as the traditional yet modern bhadramahila mother figure, for rejuvenating community and national health and vigour. Correspondingly, it highlights the transnational resonance of famous Frederic Truby King’s ‘mothercraft’ popularised as childcare by the clock. The paper is, therefore, guided by the twin purposes of filling the gap in our knowledge about child welfare exhibitions in colonial India and illuminating extant scholarship on the global infant welfare movement.



本文的重点是1920年在加尔各答殖民地举行的“健康与儿童福利”展览。尽管有一些学术参考文献,但迄今为止尚未进行详细的研究。印度总督发起了跨国展览婴儿健康周宣传倡议,以遏制婴儿死亡率,开展了儿童福利展览。这些展览也是在当地组织和协作的,具有迫切的民族主义吸引力。这项研究与一些著名的孟加拉国医生和其他杰出专业人士(主要是男性和女性)提供的有关“清洁”助产和“科学”孕产的精选展览演讲密切相关。这些在“肮脏的”助产,礼节性污染,不适当的分娩,不卫生的分娩,加尔各答的泌乳不足和母婴死亡过多。中心论点是,这些公开演讲主要侧重于“理想的”印度哺乳母亲的形象,这些母亲通常被认为是传统却又现代的奉爱之心的母亲形象,旨在振兴社区和民族健康与活力。与此相对应的是,它突出了著名的弗雷德里克·特鲁比·金(Frederic Truby King)的“母国工艺”的跨国共鸣,这种“母国工艺”已被时钟所普及。因此,本文的指导目的是双重目的,即填补我们对印度殖民地儿童福利展览的知识的空白,并阐明有关全球婴儿福利运动的现有奖学金。中心论点是,这些公开演讲主要侧重于“理想的”印度哺乳母亲的形象,这些母亲通常被认为是传统却又现代的奉爱之心的母亲形象,旨在振兴社区和民族健康与活力。与此相对应的是,它突出了著名的弗雷德里克·特鲁比·金(Frederic Truby King)的“母国工艺”的跨国共鸣,这种“母国工艺”已被时钟所普及。因此,本文的指导目的是双重目的,即填补我们对印度殖民地儿童福利展览的知识的空白,并阐明有关全球婴儿福利运动的现有奖学金。中心论点是,这些公开演讲主要侧重于“理想的”印度哺乳母亲的形象,这些母亲通常被认为是传统却又现代的奉爱之心的母亲形象,旨在振兴社区和民族健康与活力。与此相对应的是,它突出了著名的弗雷德里克·特鲁比·金(Frederic Truby King)的“母国工艺”的跨国共鸣,而这种“母国工艺”已被时钟所普及。因此,本文的指导目的是双重目的,即填补我们对印度殖民地儿童福利展览的知识的空白,并阐明有关全球婴儿福利运动的现有奖学金。它凸显了著名的弗雷德里克·特鲁比·金(Frederic Truby King)的“母国工艺”在全天候进行儿童保育的跨国共鸣。因此,本文的指导目的是双重目的,即填补我们对印度殖民地儿童福利展览的知识的空白,并阐明有关全球婴儿福利运动的现有奖学金。它凸显了著名的弗雷德里克·特鲁比·金(Frederic Truby King)的“母国工艺”在全天候进行儿童保育的跨国共鸣。因此,本文的指导目的是双重目的,即填补我们对印度殖民地儿童福利展览的知识的空白,并阐明有关全球婴儿福利运动的现有奖学金。
